
Strengthening Laws that Protect Animals and Striking Down Laws Hurting Animals

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to advance important legislation. We advocate for laws that promote or protect the lives and interests of animals, and we oppose legislation that would be detrimental to animals’ well-being.

We also work closely with the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s other programs to identify opportunities to create model legislation that address strategic legal issues in the areas of civil and criminal law, and monitor legislation that impacts animals at the federal, state, and local levels.

Federal Bills


Pigs and Public Health Act (Federal)

H.R. 8994 
This bill aims to reduce the number of nonambulatory or ”downed” pigs — pigs who cannot stand or walk unassisted — in the food system.
Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act (Federal)

Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act (Federal)

The Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act would ban commercial octopus farming in the U.S. and prohibit imports of farmed octopus from foreign countries.

Captive Primate Safety Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Captive Primate Safety Act prohibits private possession of nonhuman primates and the sale or transportation of nonhuman primates for the wild “pet” trade.
Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (Federal) ​

Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (Federal) ​

H.R.7145/ S.3694
The SWIMS Act (H.R.7145 / S.3694) would end the exploitation and mistreatment of orcas, beluga whales, pilot whales, and false killer whales held in captivity by amending the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)


State Bills

State-level advocacy actions are available for those states in session. Each state has its own legislative schedule, holding sessions on predefined intervals.

Pet Custody (Massachusetts)

Pet Custody (Massachusetts)

Protects the best interests of a companion animal when a couple is splitting up by providing a framework for judges to use in determining care and custody of the animal.
Dog in car

Civil Immunity Bill “Good Samaritan Rule” (Washington)

Provides civil immunity for rescuing at-risk companion animals and vulnerable people locked in cars.

Octopus Farming Ban (New Jersey)

In recognition of the “advanced cognitive abilities” of octopuses, An Act prohibiting the aquaculture of any species of octopus for the purpose of human consumption (S.3914/A.5078) seeks to prohibit octopus aquaculture, also known as octopus farming.

A Bill to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses (Washington)

​An Act Relating to Prohibiting the Use of Certain Animals in Traveling Animal Acts (S.B.5065)
Prohibits the use of certain wild animals in circuses and traveling animal acts in Washington.
Providing Shelter to Companion Animals in Disasters (Washington)

Providing Shelter to Companion Animals in Disasters (Washington)

This bill would require counties or cities in Washington to designate emergency shelters that can accommodate companion animals.
American Black Bear

Ensuring Wildlife Connectivity Act (Washington)

The bill would protect wildlife from vehicle collisions and prevent habitat fragmentation by providing safe corridors, such as over- and underpasses.


Recent Victories

Breed Neutral Policy and Animal Cruelty Cross Reporting Bill (Massachusetts)

Breed Neutral Policy and Animal Cruelty Cross Reporting Bill (Massachusetts)

Massachusetts legislation would create a dog-breed-neutral policy, and remove dog breed prohibitions, related to placing a child in a foster or adoptive home; it also clarifies that human services employees can report animal cruelty.
Coercive Control Bill (Massachusetts)

Coercive Control Bill (Massachusetts)

S. 2820
Legislation would help victims of domestic violence, both human and animal, by updating the Commonwealth’s legal definition of abuse to include regarding “coercive control” to include committing or threatening to commit cruelty to the animal companion.
mountain lion

Room to Roam Act (California)

A.B. 1889
This bill would help protect California wildlife and prioritize climate resilience by establishing a statewide policy requiring local governments to consider and implement measures to protect and improve wildlife connectivity through land-use planning.
mountain lion

Poison-Free Wildlife Act (California)

A.B. 2552
The Poison-Free Wildlife Act would place a moratorium on some of the most dangerous rodenticides — which cause widespread poisoning of wildlife — with limited exceptions.


Legislative Program Team

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