
Action Alert

Take Action

Add your voice to the Animal Legal Defense Fund's initiatives to improve the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to advance important legislation. We advocate for laws that promote or protect the lives and interests of animals, and we oppose legislation that would be detrimental to animals’ well-being.

National Actions


United States: Urge Federal Lawmakers to Oppose the EATS Act

The dangerous "EATS Act" would undermine states’ ability to pass laws affecting agriculture, including laws that improve conditions for farmed animals and protect food safety.
Veterinary Professionals: Urge Lawmakers to Ban Cat Declawing

Veterinary Professionals: Urge Lawmakers to Ban Cat Declawing

Sign this petition in support of a ban on ban elective cat declawing, while still permitting the procedure when necessary for a therapeutic purpose.
Petition: Ban Professional Bull Riders from State Owned Venues

Petition: Ban Professional Bull Riders from State Owned Venues

Sign the petition below urging inhumane events, like Professional Bull Riders traveling events, be banned from government owned venues.
Ryder the horse collapsed on 9th Street in New York City

Petition: Stop Horses from Suffering for NYC’s Carriage Industry

Sign to demand a horse-drawn carriage ban following the collapse of a horse named Ryder.

Sign the Animal Bill of Rights

Do you believe animals deserve basic legal rights?

Show your support

State Actions

Check for state-level actions you can take:


Massachusetts: Help end animal testing for cosmetics and other products

Ask your legislators to support a bill that would require certain industries to consider alternative testing methods instead of animal testing of cosmetics, household products, and their ingredients.

Massachusetts: Keep Animals Away from Abusers

An Act to Protect Animals From Convicted Animal Abusers (H.1703/S.1076) would prohibit a person convicted of certain animal cruelty crimes — including torture, mutilation, and dogfighting — from possessing, adopting, or fostering an animal for at least five years.

Massachusetts: Help Protect Animals from Inhumane Circuses and Traveling Acts

An Act Relative to the Use of Elephants, Big Cats, Primates, Giraffes, and Bears in Traveling Exhibits and Shows (S.2197/S.2189/H.32452) would prohibit the use of certain animals in circuses and traveling shows in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts: Ask Your State Legislators to Help Protect Animals from Rat Poisons

An Act Relative to Pesticides (S.487/H.825) would reduce the use of rat poisons in Massachusetts.
Ryder the horse collapsed on 9th Street in New York City

New York City: Protect Horses

Horses in New York City are suffering! It is time for NYC to take the next step to protect animals and ban the use of horse-drawn carriages. Take action today!
black bear

New Jersey: Bears Need Protection

Bill A.1967/S.1891 would prohibit the irresponsible practice of intentional and unintentional feeding of black bears, to reduce human-bear encounters.
Massachusetts: Ask Your State Legislators to Ban Fur Sales

Massachusetts: Ask Your State Legislators to Ban Fur Sales

An Act Prohibiting the Sale of Fur Products (H.849/S.590) would ban the sale of new fur products, including clothing, fashion accessories, and home décor, in the Commonwealth.

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Join the Animal Legal Defense Fund's email list to stay up to date on lawsuits, legislation, and regulations affecting animals.

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Stop Ag-Gag Laws

Undercover investigations and whistleblowers have exposed some of the worst aspects of factory farming, but Ag-Gag laws punish people who speak out about cruelty in animal agriculture. Voice your opposition.

No More Puppy Mills

Puppy mill operators maximize their profits by producing large numbers of puppies as quickly as possible. As a result, unsanitary conditions, disease, and neglect are rampant. Sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills. Together we can end cruel puppy mills.
