
Action Alert

Take Action

Add your voice to the Animal Legal Defense Fund's initiatives to improve the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to advance important legislation. We advocate for laws that promote or protect the lives and interests of animals, and we oppose legislation that would be detrimental to animals’ well-being.

National Actions


Require Wildlife Services to prioritize non-lethal methods!

For years, concerned residents have voiced their outrage over the killing of Canada geese rounded up in parks across Denver. As a taxpayer, you have the right to know how Wildlife Services uses your dollars and whether its methods are humane and science-based. If you agree that Wildlife Services should operate with transparency, sign our petition.
Ask your U.S. representatives to support the Horse Transportation Safety Act

Ask your U.S. representatives to support the Horse Transportation Safety Act

The Horse Transportation Safety Act (H.R. 4241) would prohibit the transportation of horses in double-deck trailers in interstate commerce.
Help End Cruel Mink Farming in the U.S.

Help End Cruel Mink Farming in the U.S.

If enacted, the Mink VIRUS Act will end the cruel and dangerous practice of mink farming in the U.S. Help protect public health and animals by urging your U.S House representative to support this legislation today!

Sign the Animal Bill of Rights

Do you believe animals deserve basic legal rights?

Show your support

State Actions

Check for state-level actions you can take:

New Jersey: Help end painful and unnecessary cat declaw procedures!

New Jersey: Help end painful and unnecessary cat declaw procedures!

Ask your state representatives to support and co-sponsor legislation to prohibit the surgical declawing of cats in New Jersey. Help end this cruel practice today!

Massachusetts: Ensure that dogs and their families can stay together

An Act to Protect Animals From Convicted Animal Abusers (H.1703/S.1076) would prohibit a person convicted of certain animal cruelty crimes — including torture, mutilation, and dogfighting — from possessing, adopting, or fostering an animal for at least five years.
Massachusetts: Ask your legislators to support Ollie’s Law

Massachusetts: Ask your legislators to support Ollie’s Law

Ask your legislators to support An Act to Increase Kennel Safety, or Ollie’s Law (S. 1309/H. 2019)
Massachusetts: Ban Cat Declawing

Massachusetts: Ban Cat Declawing

Declawing is an invasive surgical procedure in which the last bone in each of a cat’s toes is amputated. An Act Prohibiting Inhumane Feline Declawing (S.190) would ban elective cat declawing in Massachusetts. Ask your legislators to support this bill today!

New York: Thank Governor Hochul for Protecting Wildlife

Governor Hochul signed a bill, A.5746/S.6643, that would prohibit harassing or killing certain wild animals at competitive events.
Massachusetts: Ask Your Legislators to Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws

Massachusetts: Ask Your Legislators to Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws

The Humane Protection of Animals Act (S.1142/H.1718) is a critical omnibus anti-cruelty bill that will strengthen and clarify Massachusetts’ animal cruelty laws.

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Stop Ag-Gag Laws

Undercover investigations and whistleblowers have exposed some of the worst aspects of factory farming, but Ag-Gag laws punish people who speak out about cruelty in animal agriculture. Voice your opposition.

No More Puppy Mills

Puppy mill operators maximize their profits by producing large numbers of puppies as quickly as possible. As a result, unsanitary conditions, disease, and neglect are rampant. Sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills. Together we can end cruel puppy mills.
