
Legislation – Federal Bills

Strengthening Laws that Protect Animals and Striking Down Laws Hurting Animals

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal level to advance important legislation. We advocate for laws that promote or protect the lives and interests of animals, and we oppose legislation that would be detrimental to animals’ well-being.

We also work closely with the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s other programs to identify opportunities to create model legislation that address strategic legal issues in the areas of civil and criminal law, and monitor legislation that impacts animals at the federal level.

Federal Bills


Pigs and Public Health Act (Federal)

H.R. 8994 
This bill aims to reduce the number of nonambulatory or ”downed” pigs — pigs who cannot stand or walk unassisted — in the food system.
Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act (Federal)

Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act (Federal)

The Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act would ban commercial octopus farming in the U.S. and prohibit imports of farmed octopus from foreign countries.

Captive Primate Safety Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Captive Primate Safety Act prohibits private possession of nonhuman primates and the sale or transportation of nonhuman primates for the wild “pet” trade.
Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (Federal) ​

Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (Federal) ​

H.R.7145/ S.3694
The SWIMS Act (H.R.7145 / S.3694) would end the exploitation and mistreatment of orcas, beluga whales, pilot whales, and false killer whales held in captivity by amending the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
Mink VIRUS Act (Federal)

Mink VIRUS Act (Federal)

Congress is considering a ban on mink farming to protect public health and human safety from the risk of disease transmission, including COVID-19 and avian flu, to people and wild mink populations, as well as to address concerns of animal well-being.

Goldie’s Act (Federal)

Amend the AWA to increase USDA enforcement of violations
Named for a golden retriever, Goldie’s Act would amend the AWA to require the USDA enforce strengthened regulations set forth in the proposed bill.
White rabbit

The Humane Cosmetics Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
Substantially restricts the use of animal testing for cosmetic products

Oppose: The EATS Act Would Undermine State Farmed Animal Protection Laws

Federal Legislation
The EATS Act would undermine states’ ability to enact laws affecting agricultural practices, jeopardizing numerous state-level farmed animal protection laws.

Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act

Federal Legislation
The Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act (AWEIA) provides for more robust enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by increasing oversight and strengthening the licensing process for animal dealers and exhibitors.

Puppy Protection Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Puppy Protection Act bans harmful practices in puppy mills and requires common-sense standards of care for commercial breeders.

Preventing Future Pandemics Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
Aims to shut down commercial wildlife markets globally

Safe Line Speeds in COVID-19 Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
Suspends the USDA’s authority to issue new waivers related to line speeds in slaughterhouses and suspend current waivers during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Farm System Reform Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Farm System Reform Act would overhaul the United States’ cruel and environmentally destructive animal agricultural industry, in part, by placing a moratorium on the largest factory farms.

Big Cat Public Safety Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Big Cat Public Safety Act prohibits the private ownership of big cats and makes it illegal for exhibitors to allow direct contact with cubs.

Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act (H.R. 4716) would prohibit the use of body-gripping traps in the National Wildlife Refuge System

Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA) would prohibit the use of wild animals in traveling shows such as circuses.
Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2023 (Federal)

Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2023 (Federal)

H.R. 4241
The Horse Transportation Safety Act would ban the transportation of horses in double-deck trailers.

The Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act (SAFE) Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation
Would permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States as well as prohibit the export of horses for slaughter in other countries.

The PAW and FIN Act of 2019 (Federal)

Federal Legislation
The PAW and FIN Act reverses regulations recently enacted to weaken the Endangered Species Act.