Showing 31-40 of 119
Cruelty-Free Cooking
Cruelty free cooking can be easy. Here are a few of our favorite cookbooks! -
Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Votes in Favor of a Rodeo Ban Ordinance
Actress Kate Mara joins the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Los Angeles animal advocates in support of ordinance to protect animals from six cruel rodeo practicesDecember 5, 2023 Press Release -
Animal Legal Defense Fund Facilitates Release of Six Pigs from Research Lab
The animals have new homes among three reputable sanctuaries to live out their lives in peace after being used for research in a lab.July 30, 2024 News -
Petition: Urge USDA to Protect Puppies from Unscrupulous Puppy Mill Trafficker
Sign our petition urging the USDA to revoke the registration of Subject Enterprise, an unscrupulous and deadly puppy mill trafficker. -
Captive Hunting Prohibition (Rhode Island)
This legislation would define and prohibit captive hunting for animals in Rhode Island. -
New York: Help Protect Animals from Inhumane Circuses and Traveling Acts
A bill to ban the use of certain wild animals in circuses or traveling animal acts in the state, including big cats, bears, nonhuman primates, kangaroos, and wallabies. Urge your state legislators to support this important bill today! -
Coercive Control Bill (Massachusetts)
Legislation would help victims of domestic violence, both human and animal, by updating the Commonwealth’s legal definition of abuse to include regarding “coercive control” to include committing or threatening to commit cruelty to the animal companion. -
Room to Roam Act (California)
This bill would help protect California wildlife and prioritize climate resilience by establishing a statewide policy requiring local governments to consider and implement measures to protect and improve wildlife connectivity through land-use planning. -
Helping Animal and Human Victims Alike Escape Domestic Violence (Rhode Island)
This bill updates existing Rhode Island law to help victims of abuse — both human and animal — safely flee abusive situations. -
New Jersey: Stop Cruel Puppy Mills
Urge New Jersey legislative leadership to post S2511/A4051, a state bill to protect animals and consumers from commercial breeding mills and stop the puppy-mill-to-pet-store pipeline into New Jersey.