Showing 701-710 of 1574
2019 Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship Recipients
The Animal Legal Defense Fund Advancement of Animal Law Scholarships are awarded to law student members of our student chapters based upon demonstrated commitment to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s mission, “to advance the interests and protect the lives oJune 20, 2019 Student Chapters -
Aquatic Animal Law: Overview, Aquaculture, and Alternatives 2019
Aquatic animal law is an emerging field with important undertones throughout the legal system, including animal welfare, environmental issues, sustainability, workers’ health, and more. -
Court Rules Gray Wolves With Some Dog Genes are Protected by Endangered Species Act
Today the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota issued a critical ruling in favor of wolves’ legal protection — determining that gray wolves are not excluded from the Endangered Species Act even if they have some detectable dog genes.June 14, 2019 News -
Animal Cruelty Charges Dropped Because Fish Are Not “Animals” Under North Carolina Law
Animals are defined as “property” under U.S. law, which complicates efforts to advocate for them through the legal system. Property classification is not the only aspect of animals’ legal status that presents challenges.June 11, 2019 Animal Law Update -
Recap: California Humane Lobby Day 2019
On Tuesday, June 4th, the Animal Legal Defense Fund and The Humane Society of the United States hosted their first joint California Humane Lobby Day. Nearly 100 animal advocates gathered in Sacramento to lobby legislators on five animal protection bills.June 5, 2019 News -
Animals as Crime Victims: Development of a New Legal Status
While it may seem like commonsense given how often we hear about animal cruelty crimes, the concept that animals can be crime victims is revolutionary within the legal system. -
The Lone Star State Update on Animal Law 2019
Join the Animal Legal Defense Fund for The Lone Star Update on Animal Law! This CLE (continuing legal education) event will provide attendees the opportunity to hear from experts in the Texas animal law community. -
Courtroom Animal Advocate Programs (CAAP)
Courtroom Animal Advocate Program (CAAP) laws allow legal practitioners — supervised law students or volunteer lawyers — to advocate for animal victims in criminal cruelty cases.