Showing 961-970 of 1574
Why Prosecutors Don’t Prosecute
Why don’t public prosecutors always do the right thing and prosecute animal abusers? -
What To Do When Animal Cruelty Laws Have Been Broken
If you witness the abuse or neglect of an animal, please immediately file a formal written complaint with the local law enforcement agency. -
Glossary of Legal Terms
Download this list of common legal terms, organized in order from A to Z. -
Cruise for a Cause: Making Waves for Animals 2017
Cruise for a Cause 2017 November 4, 2017 Special guests including Scandal’s Bellamy Young, Entourage’s Perry Reeves, and True Blood’s Kristin Bauer. -
Animal Hoarding Facts
Hoarding is one of the most egregious forms of animal cruelty, affecting tens of thousands of animals – mostly cats and dogs – in communities nationwide. -
Victim Impact Statements in Cases of Animal Cruelty
A majority of states guarantee you the right, either by statute or state constitutional amendment, to submit a Victim Impact Statement as part of a criminal case against someone who injured or killed your animal. -
Veterinarians’ Role in Reporting Animal Cruelty
Veterinarians and other veterinary professionals play an integral and critical role in the fight against animal cruelty. -
The Crime of Bestiality/Zoophilia: Sexual Assault of an Animal
Taboo as a subject to be sure, sexual crimes against animals are not exceptional, isolated incidents. The case facts run a wide range. -
Charging Considerations in Criminal Animal Abuse Cases
Prosecutors understand that their communities have a compelling interest in preventing animal cruelty, and they take seriously their role in bringing animal abusers to justice.