Showing 941-950 of 1574
How to Find an Attorney to Help You With Your Animal-related Issues
Animal law is a relatively new, and growing, specialty within the law, and an increasing number of lawyers specialize in cases involving animals. In most cases it is not necessary to find an attorney who specializes in animal law specifically. -
What To Do If a Companion Animal You Purchased Became Sick or Died Soon Afterwards
This tragic story is all too common: Someone purchases a puppy from a breeder or pet store, only to discover their new furry family member is very sick, oftentimes fatally. -
What To Do When You Believe a Vet Has Harmed or Killed Your Companion Animal
You trust your veterinarian to diagnose, treat, and care for your animal family members. But what if you suspect that your veterinarian made a mistake — and that the mistake has hurt your animal? -
What To Do When Your Companion Animal Has Been Injured or Killed
This page will present answers to some common questions about filing a lawsuit if your companion animal has been injured or killed. This is not a substitute for an attorney. -
What To Do When You Find Animals in Substandard Conditions at a Pet Store
You've stopped into the local pet store on your way home from work to pick up food for your cat. Your kids begged to visit a store that advertises puppies for sale, until you relented. -
Investigating and Prosecuting Animal Abuse
Investigating and Prosecuting Animal Abuse is a guidebook on safer communities, safer families, and being an effective voice for animal victims. -
Solutions to Long-Term Cases in States Without Pre-Conviction Forfeiture Provision
The best options in most abuse cases are to (1) try to get an owner to sign a release or (2) find foster homes for those still in the shelter. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has sample forms here that can be customized by each shelter. -
Animal Law 101
Simply defined, animal law is the combination of statutory and case law that relates to or has an impact on nonhuman animals. It encompasses companion animals, wildlife, and animals used in entertainment, research, and raised for food. -
Animal Protection Laws of the United States of America
Animal Protection Laws of the United States of America are the top resources for lawyers, law professors, law students, legislators, other legal professionals, and anyone who wants the most comprehensive animal protection laws collection of its kind. -
Rodeo Facts
Rodeos may be popular, but more and more Americans are becoming aware of just how cruel these events are for the animals forced to participate.