How Undergraduate Students Can Get Involved in Animal Law
Undergraduate students can take many steps to become involved in the field of animal law. Below are some suggestions:
- Connect with us on social media.
- Check out the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s current cases to learn how you can support our work!
- If your undergraduate university has a law school, you can get involved with your campus Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapter. You can also join your undergraduate university’s animal protection organization, or start one.
- Your campus animal protection organization can take on many of the same projects that Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapters complete.
- Participate in our Animal Law Academy webinars.
- Attend and participate in animal law conferences and events.
- Check out our Animal Law 101.
- Volunteer with your local animal protection group, humane society, farm sanctuary or animal law attorney.
- Read!
- Check out Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies, a journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and other early career scholars that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences.
- Attend your bar association’s animal law section or committee meetings and events.
- Check out some of our other resources:
- Take an animal law class if your university offers it. Schools that have offered animal law courses for undergraduates include:
- University of Windsor (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
- Taught by Rochelle Stevenson
- Course name: Animals and the Law
- Rutgers School of Environmental & Biological Sciences (New Brunswick, NJ)
- Taught by Sandra K. Jones, Esq.
- Email: sandyschlitt@gmail.com
- Course name: Animals and the Law
- Canisius College (Buffalo, NY)
- Taught by Paul Waldau
- Email: waldaup@canisius.edu
- Course name: Animals, Public Policy, and the Law
- Drury University (Springfield, MO)
- Taught by Anthony Brown
- Email: TonyB@co.taney.mo.us
- Course name: Animal Law I
- Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY)
- Taught by Lynnette Noblitt
- Email: lynnette.noblitt@eku.edu
- Course name: Animals and the Law
- Green Mountain College (Poultney, VT)
- Taught by Sam Edwards
- Email: edwardss@greenmtn.edu
- Course name: Wildlife Law & Policy
- The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts (Austin, Texas)
- Taught by Amon Burton
- Email: aburton@law.utexas.edu
- Course name: Law & Ethics of Animal Rights
- Brock University (Ontario, Canada)
- Taught by Lauren Corman
- Email: lcorman@brocku.ca
- Course name: Animals and the Law
- University of New Hampshire Thompson School of Applied Science (Durham, NH)
- Taught by Jerilee A. Zezula
- Course name: Animal Cruelty: NH Laws, Investigations, and Prosecution
- Washington State University (Pullman, WA)
- Taught by Ruth Newberry
- Course name: Rights and Welfare of Animals
- New York University (New York, NY)
- Taught by David J. Wolfson
- Email: djw9@nyu.edu
- Course name: Animals and Public Policy
- University of Southern Maine (Portland, ME)
- Taught by Piers Beirne
- Email: beirne@maine.edu
- Course name: Animal Abuse
- West Chester University (West Chester, PA)
- Taught by Cassandra Reyes
- Email: cryeres@wcupa.edu
- Course name: Animal Cruelty
- University of New Mexico
- Taught by Marsha Baum
- Email: baum@law.unm.edu
- Course name: Advocating for Animals
- University of Windsor (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
Note: Academic schedules change unexpectedly and some courses may no longer be offered. For updated information on courses, please contact the referenced school directly.
How We Work
$5,000 Reward Offered for Information After Dog Found Trapped in Leghold Trap
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Downers Grove, Illinois Passes Ordinance Prohibiting Cat Declawing
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