Showing 1-10 of 35
Banning Killing Contests (New York)
Proposed legislation would prohibit harassing or killing certain wildlife at competitive events. -
Oppose: SJR 3 Puts Ohio Wildlife in Danger (Ohio)
Ohio Senate Joint Resolution 3 would allow for hunting and fishing using inhumane “traditional” hunting and trapping methods and mandate hunting and fishing as a “preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.” -
Banning Trapping (Vermont)
Restricts trapping and bans the use of dogs in hunting black bears -
Banning Coyote Killing Contests (Oregon)
Killing contests refer to events or tournaments where participants compete to kill as many animals as possible during a specified time period. Cash and prizes are awarded to those who kill the most animals or the largest or smallest animal. -
Animal Exploiter: Robert Sawmiller
For years, captive wild animals have suffered in the care of traveling zoo operator Robert Sawmiller. On December 9, 2020 two wolves and a Labrador named Fancy were rescued and transported to sanctuary through legal action brought by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. -
Animals Rescued and Removed from Wildlife Trafficker and Exhibitor
The Animal Legal Defense Fund — with the assistance of local counsel named Taylor Waters, U.S. Marshals, and the Auglaize County Sheriffs Office — executed a court order, seizing three animals from infamous wild and domestic animal breeder and broker Robert Sawmiller near Wapakoneta, Ohio.December 9, 2020 Press Release -
Protecting Wildlife from Harmful Poisons (California)
Places safeguards on the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides -
Banning Killing Contests (New Jersey)
Proposed legislation would prohibit harassing or killing certain wildlife at competitive events. -
New Jersey: Urge Lawmakers to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests
A.502 would prohibit harassing or killing certain wildlife at competitive events and is now being considered by the New Jersey Legislature.