Showing 11-20 of 62
Traveling Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (North Carolina)
Wild animals in traveling acts and circuses are subjected to neglect, abusive training, and prolonged confinement. HB 594 prohibits the use of wild animals in traveling acts, like circuses, in North Carolina. -
Banning Trapping (Vermont)
Restricts trapping and bans the use of dogs in hunting black bears -
Challenging the USDA for Renewing AWA License of Disreputable Wildlife Trafficker and Exhibitor
On March 9, 2021, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the nation’s preeminent legal advocacy organization for animals, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for renewing Robert Sawmiller’s license to engage in activities regulated by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). -
Law Student Paper Series — The Bear Necessities: Ursine Suffering Exposed, Explained, and Expelled
The United States is home to tens of thousands of bears, yet they receive little attention in comparison to other wildlife. Join Morgan Pattan, Michigan State University, as she discusses the psychological impact of captivity on bears. -
After Groundbreaking Animal Rights Ruling, Islamabad High Court Continues to Affirm Original Decision
In the months following a groundbreaking decision from the Islamabad High Court in Pakistan that animals have legal and natural rights, Chief Justice Athar Minallah issued three subsequent orders, each affirming the court’s original ruling and expressing continued interest in the animals’ well-being.February 19, 2021 Animal Law Update -
Wisconsin Roadside Zoo Owner and Manager Banned from Possessing and Working with Animals
The court’s decision ensures Special Memories Zoo is permanently closed following Animal Legal Defense Fund lawsuitJanuary 15, 2021 Press Release -
Animal Exploiter: Robert Sawmiller
For years, captive wild animals have suffered in the care of traveling zoo operator Robert Sawmiller. On December 9, 2020 two wolves and a Labrador named Fancy were rescued and transported to sanctuary through legal action brought by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. -
Animals Rescued and Removed from Wildlife Trafficker and Exhibitor
The Animal Legal Defense Fund — with the assistance of local counsel named Taylor Waters, U.S. Marshals, and the Auglaize County Sheriffs Office — executed a court order, seizing three animals from infamous wild and domestic animal breeder and broker Robert Sawmiller near Wapakoneta, Ohio.December 9, 2020 Press Release -
Islamabad High Court Holds that Animals Have Legal Rights
The Islamabad High Court has held that animals have natural rights and are entitled to protection under the Pakistani constitution. The case before the court was threefold, involving an elephant held in solitary confinement at a zoo, a rescued bear who had been forced to “dance” and perform tricks, and the killing of stray dogs.October 2, 2020 Animal Law Update -
Challenging Washington’s Illegal Bear Hunting Regulations
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed an amicus brief in support of a challenge to two rules promulgated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Service allowing bears to be hunted using bait, hounds, and body-gripping traps.