Showing 1-10 of 62
A Bill to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses (New York)
This New York bill would prohibit the use of certain wild animals in circuses or traveling animal acts throughout the state, including big cats, bears, nonhuman primates, kangaroos, and wallabies. -
New York: Help Protect Animals from Inhumane Circuses and Traveling Acts
A bill to ban the use of certain wild animals in circuses or traveling animal acts in the state, including big cats, bears, nonhuman primates, kangaroos, and wallabies. Urge your state legislators to support this important bill today! -
Oppose: An Act Relating to Taking of Bears (Florida)
This bill would allow Florida residents to shoot black bears if they feel threatened or they feel their property is threatened by the bear. -
Traveling Animal Act Ban (Maryland)
This bill would prohibit the participation of a bear, cougar, elephant, jaguar, leopard (excluding clouded leopards), lion, nonhuman primate, tiger, or any hybrid of these animals in a traveling act in Maryland. -
Protecting Animals Used in Circuses (Massachusetts)
Prohibits the use of certain wild animals in circuses and traveling shows in Massachusetts. -
An Act Concerning the Feeding of Black Bear (New Jersey)
This important “Bear Smart” bill aims to protect black bears in New Jersey by preventing unintentional feeding, a root cause of human-bear interactions. -
New Jersey: Bears Need Protection
Bill A.1967/S.1891 would prohibit the irresponsible practice of intentional and unintentional feeding of black bears, to reduce human-bear encounters. -
Challenging the Inhumane Treatment of Animals at Pymatuning Deer Park Roadside Zoo
The Animal Legal Defense Fund and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a lawsuit against Pymatuning Deer Park, a roadside zoo in Jamestown, Pennsylvania. -
Court Holds Cricket Hollow Zoo Owners in Contempt for Removing Animals Designated for Rescue in Violation of Court Order
Today the Delaware County district court granted a motion for contempt filed by the Animal Legal Defense Fund against Cricket Hollow Zoo and its owners, Pamela and Thomas Sellner, seeking the whereabouts of more than 100 animals who “disappeared” prior to a court-ordered rescue.October 5, 2021 Press Release -
Lawsuit Prompts USDA to Revoke License from Disreputable Wildlife Trafficker and Exhibitor
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has cancelled notorious wildlife exhibitor and trafficker Robert Sawmiller’s license to engage in exhibition, breeding and selling activities regulated by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) following the Animal Legal Defense Fund's lawsuit against the agency for initially renewing the license.August 5, 2021 Press Release