Showing 561-570 of 1558
China Reclassifies Dogs from “Livestock” to “Companion Animals”
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and mounting criticism of the dog meat trade from Chinese citizens, the national government of China has issued draft guidelines to reclassify dogs from “livestock” to “companion animals.”May 20, 2020 Animal Law Update -
Friend or Food? Companion Pigs Challenge Legal Distinctions
In the U.S., some municipalities are grappling with whether pigs kept as companions should be allowed in residential areas that exclude animals legally defined as “livestock.”May 20, 2020 Animal Law Update -
Behavior & Ballistics: The Caselaw of Law Enforcement Conflicts with Dogs
Join Animal Legal Defense Fund Senior Staff Attorney David B. Rosengard in an exploration of how courts adjudicate encounters between law enforcement officers and dogs.May 19, 2020 Webinar -
Animal Law Update
The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Animal Law Update is a series highlighting legal and policy developments in the rapidly emerging field of animal law. -
Staff Scholarship
The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Animal Law Update is a series highlighting legal and policy developments in the rapidly emerging field of animal law. -
Brigham Young University Student Chapter Had a Busy Year for Animals in 2019
The Brigham Young University (BYU) Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapter had a busy year in 2019, holding four events aimed to educate students about animal law, plan their activities for the year, and attract new members to the chapter. -
Federal Legislation: Current Issues & New Ideas
This webinar will address the shortcomings for animal protection in current federal law, give an overview of pending legislation, and discuss what we’d like to see introduced in the future. -
Factory Farms: Generating Environmental Injustice in North Carolina
Learn about the carefully-carved legal loopholes that allow factory farms to operate with limited protections for animals, the environment, or surrounding communities, and about how residents—and others—are fighting back. -
Whether it’s Orcas or Tigers—Captivity is Cruel
‘Tiger King’ could have been a change agent. Despite the impetus of the 5-year project — finding a big cat in someone’s white van in the heat of summer — a deliberate choice was made not to focus on the tigers at all. Their story remains untold.May 11, 2020 Legally Brief -
Lobbying 101: Advocacy in a New Era 2020
Animals can’t vote, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice in the political process -- you can give animals that voice!May 7, 2020 Webinar