Showing 11-16 of 16
Fur Sale Bans
The fur industry kills more than 100 million animals every year. Most of these animals, including minks, foxes, and chinchillas, endure extreme cruelty before being slaughtered. Help protect these animals by passing a fur sale ban in your city or county. -
Ending Killing Contests in Colorado
In 2020, Colorado adopted regulations banning killing contests for coyotes and foxes, as well as other small mammals. -
Animal Groups Defend San Francisco Fur Ban
Animal protection organizations allowed to intervene in International Fur Federation lawsuit challenging ordinance’s constitutionalityApril 20, 2020 Press Release -
Animal Protection Bills to Watch in California – 2019
California is poised to make major strides for animals this legislative session with more than a dozen animal bills being considered. Eight of these bills are being heard in committees on April 9th alone. Watch the bill hearings here.April 8, 2019 News -
Fur Fight in West Hollywood Showdown
The Animal Legal Defense Fund supports city’s ban in court against boutique cruelty to animals.April 2, 2015 Press Release -
The Animal Legal Defense Fund Supports a Fur Free West Hollywood
Today, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has again stepped up for animals by speaking out in support of West Hollywood’s historic, first-in-the-country ban on the sale of products made from fur within city limits.March 6, 2015 News