Showing 121-130 of 198
Providing Key Protections for Agricultural Workers (Colorado)
Helps protect Colorado’s tens of thousands of farm workers by establishing whistleblower protections, fairer compensation for labor, and protections other workers already access through Colorado’s Labor Peace Act -
Funding Critical Health Services for Animals In Need (Massachusetts)
Governor signs state budget allocating funds to provide critical animal health services—including spay and neuter surgeries and vaccinations—to animals in need. -
New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act (New York)
The New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act, A.5653-A/S.4839, would prohibit the manufacture or sale of most cosmetics tested on animals after January 1, 2023. -
Traveling Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (North Carolina)
Wild animals in traveling acts and circuses are subjected to neglect, abusive training, and prolonged confinement. HB 594 prohibits the use of wild animals in traveling acts, like circuses, in North Carolina. -
Protecting Animals in Rodeos (New York)
A.2124, sponsored by Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D-67), would prohibit some of the cruelest elements of rodeos. -
Ending the Intensive Confinement of Hens Used by the Egg Industry (Nevada)
Nevada became the 9th state to pass a hen welfare bill when Governor Steve Sisolak signed AB 399 on June 4, 2021. The Animal Legal Defense Fund was glad to assist the broad coalition of organizations supporting this bill and engage advocates in Nevada. -
Cross-Reporting Suspected Abuse (Florida)
SB 96, sponsored by Senator Lauren Book (D-32), would require child protective investigators and animal control officers to report suspected animal and child abuse. Additionally, the bill strengthens penalties for the sexual abuse of animals. -
Cross-Reporting Suspected Abuse (New Jersey)
Communication between government agencies is critical to helping ensure multiple forms of abuse — including animal abuse — are exposed and addressed. A.4880/S.3168 would mandate veterinary and inter-agency reporting of suspected animal abuse. -
Animal Abuse Reporting (Texas)
HB 4330 did not advance in the 2021 legislative session. However, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is committed to refining the language of the bill to improve its chances for legislative success in the 2023 session. -
Empowering Municipalities to Address Pet Shops and Fight Puppy Mills (Connecticut)
Clarifies Connecticut towns and cities have the authority to place restrictions on pet shops, including passing retail pet sale bans to fight puppy mills