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Showing 51-60 of 93

  • Seeking Enforcement of Pennsylvania’s Dog Law

    In 2008, as part of the Pennsylvania Dog Law, the Pennsylvania state legislature enacted some of the most comprehensive regulations on commercial dog breeders in the nation. The law was aimed primarily at  easing the suffering…

  • Challenging Utah’s Ag-Gag Law

    In 2012, Utah enacted an Ag-Gag law which criminalized the collection of evidence of animal abuse on factory farms. The law made recording agricultural operations a crime, even for reporters and activists investigating criminal animal abuse…

  • Animal Welfare Records Blackout

    In 2017, the Animal Legal Defense Fund sued the United States Department of Agriculture for removing tens of thousands of animal welfare records from the agency’s website. Referred to as the Animal Welfare Blackout.
  • Animaland Zoological Park

    In 2016, the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed suit against the Animaland Zoological Park in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. The Animal Legal Defense Fund argued that Animaland’s poor treatment of a gray wolf named Bear and a Siberian…

  • Lawsuit Against University of WI to Produce Research Records on Monkeys

    In 2014, the University of Wisconsin-Madison announced plans to conduct a series of extremely cruel experiments on newborn monkeys. The taxpayer-funded research involved removing 20 rhesus macaques from their mothers on their first day of life.…

  • Challenge Mendocino County, CA Contract with Wildlife Services

    In 2014, Mendocino County, California, entered into a $144,000 contract with Wildlife Services, a controversial federal program whose main purpose is to kill animals. The Animal Legal Defense Fund and a coalition of environmental and animal…

  • Revoke Permit for Tony the Truck Stop Tiger

    On April 11, 2011, the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and its secretary Robert Barham, arguing that he violated state law in granting a permit…

  • Demanding Public Records Relating to Invasive Cat Experiments

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit to compel the disclosure of public records regarding invasive experiments on cats and kittens conducted by the State University of New York College of Optometry (SUNY). The lawsuit,…

  • Keep the USDA Transparent and Accountable

    In early 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed action that could dramatically reduce government oversight of animal facilities like puppy mills. This is the agency charged with ensuring the millions of animals in roadside…

  • Challenging Trader Joe’s Misleading Egg Carton Labeling

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a consumer protection lawsuit in California Superior Court against Trader Joe’s Company on behalf of a Trader Joe’s egg purchaser. The action sought to stop Trader Joe’s from deceptively labeling…