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Showing 531-540 of 1574

  • Impact Report: Quarter Two 2020

    This year has been busy for the Animal Legal Defense Fund! Join Stephen Wells, Executive Director, and Kathleen Schatzmann, Senior Legislative Affairs Manager, as they discuss current cases and projects, plus what’s planned for the rest of the year, with special focus on the Legislative Affairs Program.
  • Emergency Legal Petition Filed with USDA to End Cruel Farm ‘Depopulation’ Methods

    A coalition, led by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, filed an emergency petition with the USDA to prevent COVID-19 relief funds, resources, and any other forms of support from facilitating or compensating for the costs of ventilation shutdown or water-based foam “depopulation” — the mass killing of animals on factory farms.
    August 25, 2020 Press Release
  • Miyoko’s Preliminary Injunction Granted to Retain Labels without Threat of Enforcement as Case Continues

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund announced that the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has granted a preliminary injunction that allows Miyoko’s Creamery (Miyoko’s) to maintain its labeling as-is while the case proceeds without fear of enforcement by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).
    August 24, 2020 Press Release
  • The Animal Legal Defense Fund Applauds Long Overdue Closure of ‘Tiger King’ Zoo, Urges Animals Be Transferred to Sanctuary

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund applauds the closure of the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park, the zoo depicted in the Netflix documentary, “Tiger King,” following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) suspension of its owner’s exhibitor license.
    August 20, 2020 News
  • Using Local Legislation to Protect Animals: Fur Bans

    Learn how to fight back against the cruel fur industry by passing a fur ban in your community! Led by Animal Legal Defense Fund Campaigns Manager Elizabeth Holtz, this webinar will walk you through the mechanics of fur production, the policy issues, including animal cruelty, environmental impacts, and public health, and more.
  • Stop Ag-Gag Laws

    Undercover investigations and whistleblowers have exposed some of the worst aspects of factory farming, but Ag-Gag laws punish people who speak out about cruelty in animal agriculture. Voice your opposition.
  • No More Puppy Mills

    Puppy mill operators maximize their profits by producing large numbers of puppies as quickly as possible. As a result, unsanitary conditions, disease, and neglect are rampant. Sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills. Together we can end cruel puppy mills.
  • Fur Sale Bans

    The fur industry kills more than 100 million animals every year. Most of these animals, including minks, foxes, and chinchillas, endure extreme cruelty before being slaughtered. Help protect these animals by passing a fur sale ban in your city or county.
  • Animal Law Course Grants

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund is expanding its existing “seed grant” program to also offer emergency grants to law schools who have had to cancel an animal law course for COVID-19 related reasons.
  • There are no “bad dogs”

    As the Animal Legal Defense Fund combats dogfighting by working with state officials to create stronger laws and more effective penalties for those who engage in this crime, we’re also hard at work to ensure the best possible outcomes for dogfighting victims.
    August 5, 2020 News