Showing 261-269 of 269
Arrest Made in Puppy-Burning Case!
Thanks to the dedicated work of the Sacramento SPCA, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s department, and the Sacramento Metro Fire department, an arrest has been made.February 24, 2015 News -
Reckless California Killing Contests Continue Despite Ban on Prizes
The rural town of Adin, California will hold its annual coyote killing spree despite the 2014 ban on prizes for killing furbearing animals in contests.February 3, 2015 News -
Kosher Slaughter Laws and an End to “Shackle-and-Hoist” Restraint
In December 2014, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal invalidated a 2013 law in that country that required that animals be stunned prior to slaughter.January 24, 2015 News -
Farmed Animals Suffer in Cruel Experiments for Meat Industry
The New York Times just released the shocking results of an investigation of outrageous cruelty to animals used in taxpayer-funded experiments.January 23, 2015 News -
Rest in Peace, Archie
The responsibility for Archie's death lies with those who held him captive, but still the questions linger.January 15, 2015 News -
Two Great Legal Victories for Animals in Oregon
August 7 was a busy day for animal lawyers in that the Oregon Supreme Court issued two important decisions: (1) State v. Nix, affirming the Oregon Court of Appeals decision by holding that animals who are abused…
August 11, 2014 News -
Fifth Circuit Rules that Animal Crush Video Law Prohibits Obscenity and Congress Has Significant Interest in Preventing Animal Cruelty
The Fifth Circuit reversed and remanded a 2013 ruling by the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Texas, which had held that animal crush videos are not obscene and that the Act violated defendants’ First Amendment rights.June 14, 2014 News -
Environmentalism as a Form of Animal Rights
As the field of animal law grows, with more classes, books, cases on file and precedent, many wonder how animal law relates to the field of environmental law, which is similar in many ways. -
Shifting California Law toward a Recognition that Injured Animals Are Not “Replaceable” Forms of Property
On October 23, the Second District for the California Court of Appeals issued an important decision stating that when a dog, cat or other companion animal is negligently or intentionally injured, the animal’s legal owner may be compensated…
November 5, 2012 News