Showing 1-6 of 6
Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (Federal)
The SWIMS Act (H.R.7145 / S.3694) would end the exploitation and mistreatment of orcas, beluga whales, pilot whales, and false killer whales held in captivity by amending the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) -
Supreme Court: Military Sonar Effect on Marine Life
In Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, the Supreme Court addressed the legality of military sonar exercises believed to cause significant harm to marine life, including whales and dolphins. The Animal Legal Defense Fund joined a coalition…
World Oceans Day Highlights Lack of Protection for Sea Life
World Oceans Day, June 8th, is a global day to honor, help protect, and conserve the world’s oceans.June 8, 2017 News -
Appeals Court Rules U.S. Navy Sonar Use Violates Marine Mammal Protection Act
The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in California has banned the U.S. Navy from using sonar that harms marine mammals.July 20, 2016 Animal Law Update -
Joshua Horwitz – War of the Whales
When science author Joshua Horwitz first came across a lawsuit filed by an environmental lawyer against the U.S. Navy, he knew he had a found an untold story.May 14, 2015 News -
Court Rules Navy War Games Violate Law Protecting Whales and Dolphins
U.S. District Court deems that nearly 9.6 million underwater assaults on whales and dolphins were improperly assessed as “negligible.”April 1, 2015 Press Release