
Updates about legal issues facing animals in the state

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals.

Animal Protection Laws Ranking

Each year, the Animal Legal Defense Fund publishes its U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report. Each state is ranked based on 20 different categories of animal protection.

Overall Rank: #2 (Top Tier)

Legislative Session

Take Action

Take action now to help animals in your state.

Massachusetts: Urge Your Legislators to Co-Sponsor Animal Protection Bills in the 2025–26 Legislative Session

Massachusetts: Urge Your Legislators to Co-Sponsor Animal Protection Bills in the 2025–26 Legislative Session

Urge your Massachusetts legislators to co-sponsor critical animal protection legislation introduced in the 2025–26 Legislative Session.

Stop Ag-Gag Laws

Undercover investigations and whistleblowers have exposed some of the worst aspects of factory farming, but Ag-Gag laws punish people who speak out about cruelty in animal agriculture. Voice your opposition.

No More Puppy Mills

Puppy mill operators maximize their profits by producing large numbers of puppies as quickly as possible. As a result, unsanitary conditions, disease, and neglect are rampant. Sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills. Together we can end cruel puppy mills.
Passing Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sale Ban

Passing Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sale Ban

In this free webinar, we walk you through the basics of how to pass a retail pet sale bans in your community — a powerful way to fight back against puppy mills.
Passing Local Legislation: Prohibiting Animals in Circuses and Traveling Shows

Passing Local Legislation: Prohibiting Animals in Circuses and Traveling Shows

This webinar will focus on passing a local prohibition on animals used in circuses and other traveling shows.

Recent Victories

Breed Neutral Policy and Animal Cruelty Cross Reporting Bill (Massachusetts)

Breed Neutral Policy and Animal Cruelty Cross Reporting Bill (Massachusetts)

Massachusetts legislation would create a dog-breed-neutral policy, and remove dog breed prohibitions, related to placing a child in a foster or adoptive home; it also clarifies that human services employees can report animal cruelty.
Coercive Control Bill (Massachusetts)

Coercive Control Bill (Massachusetts)

S. 2820
Massachusetts legislation would help victims of domestic violence, both human and animal, by updating the Commonwealth’s legal definition of abuse to include regarding “coercive control” to include committing or threatening to commit cruelty to the animal companion of a human abuse victim.
An Act to Increase Kennel Safety (Massachusetts)

An Act to Increase Kennel Safety (Massachusetts)

S. 1309/H. 4919
This law, also known as Ollie’s Law, requires the state to put into effect minimum standards for certain types of kennels such as daycares and boarding facilities.
An Act Prohibiting Inhumane Feline Declawing (Massachusetts)

An Act Prohibiting Inhumane Feline Declawing (Massachusetts)

This bill would prohibit cat declawing except as a medical necessity to protect the cat’s health.

Active Cases

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Active Legislation

Pet Custody (Massachusetts)

Pet Custody (Massachusetts)

Protects the best interests of a companion animal when a couple is splitting up by providing a framework for judges to use in determining care and custody of the animal.
kittens in carrier

Mass Animal Fund (Massachusetts)

H. 3900 Amendment #139/S. 3 Amendments ENV #4 & #8
These amendments in the state budget bill for fiscal year 2024, will allocate $100,000 to critical companion animal health services.

Protect Domestic Animals from Cruel Conditions with Civil Citations (Massachusetts)

Allows Massachusetts law enforcement officers to remediate situations involving animals kept in cruel conditions by issuing civil citations.