Showing 11-20 of 27
Lawsuit to Force USDA to Recognize Its Authority to Take Possession of Animals Upon License Revocation
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit challenging the USDA decision to deny a petition for rulemaking that urged the agency's APHIS to revise its limited animal confiscation regulations and establish procedures for relocating animals from facilities that do not comply with the AWA. -
Defending California’s Proposition 12 Against Iowa Industry Group’s Challenge
Multiple industry groups have sought to overturn Prop 12, California's landmark farmed animal protection law. Now, the Iowa Pork Producers Association has filed a lawsuit. The Animal Legal Defense Fund's coalition is helping defend the law. -
Challenging the USDA’s Secret Policy on Laboratory Inspections
The agency that oversees the care and conditions of animals in research facilities said it wouldn’t outsource AWA inspections to private organizations after facing public outcry against the proposal. Then it implemented such a policy in secret. -
Circumventing California Puppy Mill Ban
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a class-action lawsuit against a network of individuals and businesses who conspired with California pet stores to sell puppy mill dogs mislabeled as “rescues.” -
Challenging the Government’s Censorship of Animal Advocates’ Speech on Social Media
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit on behalf of animal advocates who’ve been prevented from posting critical comments regarding animal experimentation on the Health and Human Services (HHS) otherwise public social media pages. The HHS is primarily charged with funding and promoting research on animals. -
Challenging the Government’s Fatal Mismanagement of Protected Tule Elk
Tule elk are a beloved fixture at the Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, California. But the National Park Service (NPS), the federal agency responsible for protecting them, is failing at the task — with numerous elk suffering and dying as a result of its negligence. -
Challenging a Florida Kitten Breeder’s Cruelty and Fraud
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against Orlando-based kitten breeder and seller, Adorable Stars, for practicing veterinary medicine without a license, animal cruelty and neglect, and contract and tort claims. -
Challenging the Treatment of Captive Animals at Olympic Game Farm
The Animal Legal Defense Fund alleges Olympic Game Farm, a roadside zoo in Sequim, Washington, is breaking the Endangered Species Act and state anti-cruelty laws by not providing adequate care for the captive animals in its possession. -
Challenging CEQ’s CAFO Exemptions Under NEPA
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for new regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will shield CAFOs and slaughterhouses from environmental review. -
Challenging Foster Farms Slaughterhouse’s Illegal Water Use
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued Foster Farms, operator of a large slaughterhouse and chicken processing plant in Livingston, California, for its illegal use of vast quantities of water in violation of the California Constitution.