Showing 11-20 of 198
Demanding USDA Institute Regulatory Framework to Govern Wildlife Services
The Animal Legal Defense Fund, as part of a coalition, submitted a petition for rulemaking to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service urging Wildlife Services to phase out lethal control of wild animals, including prohibiting specific practices such as neck snares, M-44 cyanide bombs, lead bullets, and more. -
Urging USDA Not to Support Factory Farm Biogas in IRA
Groups, led by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Food & Water Watch, the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment, Friends of the Earth, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and the Southern Environmental Law Center, urged USDA not to further subsidize factory farms under the guise of climate action. -
Exposing Predators of the Heart as a Sham Animal Sanctuary
The Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments and testimony exposing Predators of the Heart as a sham animal sanctuary at a Skagit County land-use hearing to determine whether the facility will be allowed to continue operations on its property in Mount Vernon, Washington. -
Urging NPS to Implement Plan to Conserve Native Tule Elk Population
The Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments urging the National Park Service (NPS) to implement its proposed action plan, the Tomales Point Area Plan (TPAP) public scoping newsletter “Alternative B,” with certain modifications, to help conserve the native Tule elk population in the region. -
Challenging Texas’ Unconstitutional Label Censorship Law
The Animal Legal Defense Fund and The Good Food Institute filed a complaint on behalf of Tofurky challenging a Texas law under the dormant Commerce Clause, the Due Process Clause, the Supremacy Clause, and the First Amendment of the Constitution. -
Urging FSIS to Require Video Cameras to Observe if Slaughtering Pigs with CO2 Complies with Federal Law
Comments were submitted to the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service urging the agency to require the use of video cameras inside gondolas during the slaughter of pigs with CO2 to ensure compliance with the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Humane Method of Slaughter Act -
Urging FWS to Create a Robust Permitting and Enforcement Scheme to Protect Migratory Birds and Eagles used in Exhibition
On July 3, 2023, the Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) urging the agency to implement welfare standards and exhibition-specific permitting requirements for migratory birds and eagles. The…
Urging FSIS to Adequately Strengthen Substantiation of Animal-Raising Claims
Submitted comments to the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) urging the agency to create clear definitions of key animal-raising terms, require stricter substantiation proof from producers, and allow for other interested parties to submit comments before issuing revised industry guidelines -
Challenging Holden Farms Cruelty and Garbage Feeding Via False Claims Lawsuit
Lawsuit alleges violations of the federal Swine Health Protection Act, Minnesota Anti-Garbage feeding law, and Minnesota Anti-Cruelty Law. -
Urging FSIS Not to Overlook Cultivated Meat in Its Proposed Voluntary Labeling Rule on U.S. Origin Claims
The Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments to FSIS urging the agency to include the cultivated meat sector in its proposed rule on voluntary labeling of FSIS-regulated products with U.S.-origin claims.