Showing 61-70 of 198
Emergency Petition to Food & Drug Administration to Suspend Ractopamine Use
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed an emergency petition with the Food and Drug Administration to suspend the agency’s approval of ractopamine — a drug used to rapidly grow muscle in cows and pigs, which can harm the animals and the environment. -
Challenging FDA Approval of Experior
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued the Food and Drug Administration to challenge the agency’s approval of Experior, an animal drug that claims to reduce ammonia emissions from cows on feedlots. -
Ending Killing Contests in Colorado
In 2020, Colorado adopted regulations banning killing contests for coyotes and foxes, as well as other small mammals. -
Suing to Protect Nonambulatory Pigs
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the unlawful failure to protect “downed” or “non-ambulatory” pigs at slaughterhouses. -
Challenging Restrictions on Plant-Based Dairy Marketing
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Food and Agriculture on behalf of vegan food producer Miyoko's Creamery, after the agency instructed the company to stop using terms like "dairy" and "butter" on its product -
Settlement Victory After Suing to Protect Starving Horses From ‘Rescue’ Organization
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit seeking to remove neglected horses from the California Equine Retirement Foundation (CERF) and prevent its chief operating officer from ever operating or being involved with any horse sanctuary in the future. -
Suing Unscrupulous Puppy Traffickers Who Knowingly Sold Sick Dogs
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the Kenney family seeking to end their deceptive marketing and sale of puppies, and to recover damages for those who were victimized by the puppy traffickers’ unscrupulous conduct. -
Protecting Pigs from Cruel High-Speed Slaughter
The Animal Legal Defense Fund joined a coalition in suing the U.S Department of Agriculture for issuing a final rule allowing pig slaughterhouses nationwide to police themselves and kill pigs at very high line speeds. -
Ending Killing Contests in Massachusetts
In 2019, Massachusetts adopted regulations banning killing contests for certain animals, including coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. -
Protecting the Psychological Well-being of Primates Used in Research
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit to compel the USDA to respond to a petition for rulemaking requesting the agency promulgate standards to promote the psychological well-being of primates used in research.