Student Chapter Spotlight

Spotlight: Anna Obek

Anna Obek is a 2021 recipient of the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Advancement in Animal Law Scholarship.

Anna Obek is a 2021 recipient of the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Advancement in Animal Law Scholarship. This award honors students who demonstrate a commitment to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s mission: “to advance the interests and protect the lives of animals through the legal system.” Recipients are actively involved in their Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapter while in law school and show promise in the field after graduation.

Anna ObekAnna Obek is a second-year student at the University of Oregon, School of Law. Anna began her animal rights and welfare work as a volunteer and later employee at the Austin Humane Society while an undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin.

What Animal Legal Defense Fund student chapter activities are you proudest of and why?

I am proud of getting the University of Oregon SALDF chapter reactivated and revitalized, especially since our academic year has been entirely remote. Our chapter is starting from the ground up, so I am looking forward to growing our membership and energizing our law school community around animal law issues.

Any other noteworthy experience?

Our chapter hosted our first guest speaker this year, which we were very excited about. We are working on getting an animal law class approved, so it was great to have Professor Scott Beckstead of Willamette University College of Law give us an introductory lecture on “What is Animal Law.”

What is an animal law related goal of yours for the upcoming academic year?

I have two animal law related goals this year. The first is to write a substantive paper on an Animal Law topic. The second is to hold an event or fundraiser through our chapter for unhoused communities and their pets. I would like to gather pet supplies and partner with local veterinary services to provide basic medical needs.

What are your plans/goals for post-graduation?

I would like to practice animal law when I graduate and eventually open an animal sanctuary.

What is one piece of advice that you would like to pass on to other Animal Legal Defense Fund student chapter leaders?

Animal law is challenging and exciting, but it is also difficult work, so my best advice is to stay focused and passionate. Always stay connected with your clients by volunteering at an animal shelter or sanctuary. Working directly with animals’ keeps me grounded and gives me strength. Plus, I get to meet incredibly dedicated people who also volunteer or work with animals.

Learn more about the other 2021 Advancement in Animal Law Scholarship winners.

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