
Updates about legal issues facing animals in the state

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals.

Animal Protection Laws Ranking

Each year, the Animal Legal Defense Fund publishes its U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report. Each state is ranked based on 20 different categories of animal protection.

Overall Rank: #29 (Middle Tier)

Legislative Session

Active Cases


Challenging University of Wisconsin’s Censorship of Speech on Social Media

The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit on behalf of a former employee of one of UW-Madison's primate research labs, who has been prevented from posting truthful comments on the school's otherwise public Instagram and Facebook posts because they are critical of the university’s storied history of animal testing.

Take Action

Take action now to help animals in your state.


Stop Ag-Gag Laws

Undercover investigations and whistleblowers have exposed some of the worst aspects of factory farming, but Ag-Gag laws punish people who speak out about cruelty in animal agriculture. Voice your opposition.

No More Puppy Mills

Puppy mill operators maximize their profits by producing large numbers of puppies as quickly as possible. As a result, unsanitary conditions, disease, and neglect are rampant. Sign our pledge to boycott puppy mills. Together we can end cruel puppy mills.
Passing Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sale Ban

Passing Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sale Ban

In this free webinar, we walk you through the basics of how to pass a retail pet sale bans in your community — a powerful way to fight back against puppy mills.
Passing Local Legislation: Prohibiting Animals in Circuses and Traveling Shows

Passing Local Legislation: Prohibiting Animals in Circuses and Traveling Shows

This webinar will focus on passing a local prohibition on animals used in circuses and other traveling shows.

Recent Victories

Challenging the Treatment of Animals at Special Memories Zoo

Challenging the Treatment of Animals at Special Memories Zoo

The court permanently banned Special Memories Zoo, its owner, and manager from ever possessing or exhibiting animals — other than dogs or personal pets — again or working with any business that does so.
A chimp in a cage

Lawsuit Against University of WI to Produce Research Records on Monkeys

The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued to compel the University of Wisconsin-Madison to disclose public records concerning taxpayer-funded experiments on newborn monkeys.