Updates about legal issues facing animals in the state
The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the federal, state and local levels to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals.
Animal Protection Laws Ranking
Each year, the Animal Legal Defense Fund publishes its U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report. Each state is ranked based on 20 different categories of animal protection.
Overall Rank: #44 (Bottom Tier)
Animal Protection Laws of Iowa
The Animal Protection Laws of Iowa compendium contains the general animal protection and related statutes for Iowa with an effective date on or before September 1, 2023.
Legislative Session
Active Legislation
Active Cases
Urging Iowa Attorney General to Investigate Midwest Puppy Mill Broker for Violating Court Agreement
Take Action
Take action now to help animals in your state.
Stop Ag-Gag Laws
No More Puppy Mills
Passing Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sale Ban
Passing Local Legislation: Prohibiting Animals in Circuses and Traveling Shows
Recent Victories
Challenging Iowa’s Recording Ban Ag-Gag Law
Updating Iowa’s Animal Protection Laws (Iowa)
Challenging Cricket Hollow Zoo’s Treatment of Animals (2018)
Challenging Cricket Hollow Zoos Treatment of Endangered Lions (2016)
Animal Legal Defense Fund 2023 State Animal Protection Laws Ranking Report
See the best and worst states for animal protection laws