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Showing 31-40 of 93

  • “Puppy Laundering” Scheme Violates California Law

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the Animal Kingdom pet store and purported rescue group Bark Adoptions for unlawfully circumventing the California law that bans the retail sale of dogs.
  • Prosecution for Maryland Dog Freezing to Death

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund funded the necropsy of an elderly dog named Oscar, who died sometime between December 30, 2017, and January 1, 2018, when he was kept outside of his owner’s home in Baltimore…

  • Defending an Individual’s Right to Protect Her Dog

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against a West Virginia State Police trooper for violating Tiffanie Hupp’s civil rights and breaking West Virginia law by nearly shooting a tied-up dog, and then arresting Hupp for saving the dog.
  • Challenging Landry’s Treatment of Endangered Tigers

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against Houston’s Downtown Aquarium and Landry’s Inc., alleging violations of the federal Endangered Species Act due to the conditions in which its four tigers are kept captive.
  • Challenging Iowa’s Ag-Gag Law

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund led a coalition of animal, environmental, and community advocacy groups in challenging the constitutionality of Iowa’s Ag-Gag law. Federal courts similarly struck down Ag-Gag laws in Idaho and Utah as unconstitutional.…

  • Compelling the FDA To Produce Factory Egg Farm Inspection Reports

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a federal lawsuit to compel the FDA to produce inspection reports of factory egg farms without censoring important information about the hen population and living conditions.
  • Challenging North Carolina’s Ag-Gag Law

    In 2016, the Animal Legal Defense Fund — with a coalition of animal protection, consumer rights, food safety, and whistleblower protection organizations — filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a North Carolina law designed…

  • Challenging the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs – Barkworks Class Action

    In 2014, the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against Barkworks, a Southern California pet store chain with six locations. The lawsuit was brought on behalf of several puppy purchasers tricked by Barkworks into purchasing…

  • Challenging the Sale of Wild Horses from Devil’s Garden, California

    The Animal Legal Defense Fund and the American Wild Horse Campaign filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Forest Service’s plans to round up and sell horses living in the Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Territory in northeast California’s Modoc National Forest.
  • Ending Research on Captive Chimpanzees

    After decades of scrutiny and pressure from animal rights groups, the general public and, increasingly, the international community, in 2010 the National Institute of Health (NIH) requisitioned a study from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to…