Upholding Lousiana’s Big Cat Ban
Michael Sandlin and Tiger Truck Stop, Inc. v. State of Louisiana ...., Through Its Secretary Robert J. Barham, Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, James D. "Buddy" Caldwell, and Iberville Parish Through Its President, J. Mitchell Ourso, JR.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund intervened in Tiger Truck Stop’s lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the big cat ban so that we could both defend the big cat ban and challenge the special law exempting Tiger Truck Stop from the ban.
Next Step
Awaiting court's decision
As part of our years long battle to free Tony the Tiger, the Animal Legal Defense Fund sued the State of Louisiana for passing a law that exempted Michael Sandlin and Tiger Truck Stop, Inc. (the person who put Tony on display) from the state’s ban on private ownership of big cats. The state’s constitution prohibits “special laws” that grant exclusive benefits to any private individual or interest. The sole purpose of “Act 697,” signed by Governor Jindal, was to allow Tiger Truck Stop owner Michael Sandlin to keep Tony caged in a gas station parking lot.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s lawsuit was filed on behalf of former Representative Warren Triche Jr., the Louisiana legislator who sponsored the 2006 big exotic cats ban, as well as other Louisiana residents and taxpayers, in the East Baton Rouge District Court. The defendants include the State of Louisiana, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), the Tiger Truck Stop, and Michael Sandlin.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund later successfully moved to intervene in a lawsuit Michael Sandlin and Tiger Truck Stop filed against the State of Louisiana, LDWF, and other governmental entities arguing that the big cat ban itself is unconstitutional. The Animal Legal Defense Fund, intervened to defend the constitutionality of the big cat ban. Our intervention in this lawsuit also allowed the Animal Legal Defense Fund to raise arguments challenging the constitutionality of Act 697’s exemption for Tony. Despite Tony’s tragic death in October 2017, the case is ongoing.
Recent News
Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Legal Battle to Free Tony the Tiger Moves Forward
Petition Filed to Intervene in Tony the Truck Stop Tiger LawsuitMarch 28, 2017 Press Release -
Fighting On in Tony’s Memory
We join the many advocates across the world in remembering Tony this week, and we promise to keep you updated on our work on behalf Tony and other animals like him.October 18, 2017 News -
Tentative Settlement Reached in Texas Endangered Species Act Lawsuit
The Animal Legal Defense Fund and National Foundation for Rescued Animals, an animal exhibitor doing business as Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary, have tentatively reached a settlement, pending the dismissal of the Endangered Species Act lawsuit filed in March 2022.February 28, 2024 Press Release
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