Showing 131-140 of 1551
Oregon Ends Wildlife Killing Contests
Oregon joins eight other states that have banned wildlife killing contestsSeptember 15, 2023 News -
A Long Road to Legislation: the New Jersey Gestation Crate Ban Story
This special webinar on New Jersey's Gestation ban victory is part of Speak Out for Farmed Animal Month (SOFAM) and is intended for law students. -
Easterday Family Ceases Attempt to Acquire Permitting for 30,000-Cow Mega Dairy in Oregon
The victory follows the passage of a factory farming law and efforts to curtail the construction of new mega dairies in the stateSeptember 8, 2023 News -
Protecting Animals Through Legislation: Local Fur Sales Bans and the Mink VIRUS Act
Learn about 2023 Farm Bill process, what we may see as Congress continues to develop this legislation, and how to get involved to advocate for a Farm Bill that prioritizes animal protection. -
Student Chapter Kickoff – 2021
The Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapter Kickoff is an annual celebratory event to welcome students to the new year and highlight resources and opportunities, while providing a unique look at a particular way for chapters to get involved throughout the year. -
Tofurky Challenges Unconstitutional Texas Label Censorship Law
Lawsuit filed by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and The Good Food Institute asserts that the law imposes unclear and vague standards on plant-based meat producersSeptember 5, 2023 Press Release -
Argentine Court Recognizes Visitation Agreement for Dogs in Divorce Settlement
This decision is significant because it handled the care of companion animals within a divorce framework with recognition they are sentient beings who are members of a multispecies family, rather than mere property.August 24, 2023 Animal Law Update -
The Animals’ Advocate
Since 1980, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been keeping our members and supporters posted on our groundbreaking legal work for animals via our newsletter — first dubbed the Animals’ Advocate back in 1989.