Showing 151-160 of 1551
15 Dogs Released From Custody After Federal Criminal Cases Conclude
The grant will provide 15 dogs with housing and enrichment while awaiting adoptionJuly 27, 2023 Press Release -
New Jersey Enacts Law to Protect Animal Cruelty Victims and Other At-Risk Animals
The Animal Legal Defense Fund celebrates New Jersey authorizing animal care agencies to seek payment of court-approved care expenses from those whose animals were seized from their possession due to alleged cruelty.July 26, 2023 News -
New Jersey Gestation and Veal Crate Ban Signed into Law
After a 13-year campaign, New Jersey becomes the latest state to ban the extreme confinement of mother pigs and calves used for veal.July 26, 2023 News -
Help End Cruel Mink Farming in the U.S.
If enacted, the Mink VIRUS Act will end the cruel and dangerous practice of mink farming in the U.S. Help protect public health and animals by urging your U.S House representative to support this legislation today! -
The Federal Swine Health Protection Act
The practice of feeding garbage to swine dates back to the Middle Ages in Europe, and the very beginnings of history in the U.S. Typically, this garbage consisted of what we now call table scraps —…
United States: Urge Federal Lawmakers to Oppose the EATS Act
The dangerous "EATS Act" would undermine states' ability to pass laws affecting agriculture, including laws that improve conditions for farmed animals and protect food safety. -
Veterinary Professionals: Urge Lawmakers to Ban Cat Declawing
Sign this petition in support of a ban on ban elective cat declawing, while still permitting the procedure when necessary for a therapeutic purpose.July 11, 2023 Action Alert -
Massachusetts: Ban Cat Declawing
Declawing is an invasive surgical procedure in which the last bone in each of a cat’s toes is amputated. An Act Prohibiting Inhumane Feline Declawing (S.190) would ban elective cat declawing in Massachusetts. Ask your legislators to support this bill today! -
How to Help a Neighbor’s Neglected Animal
It can be heartbreaking to see a neighbor’s animal suffering in a situation of neglect. Depending on the situation, there are various ways you can help the animal or animals involved. -
Ban on Wildlife Killing Contests Passed by New York Legislature
Animal Legal Defense Fund supported legislation heads to Gov. Hochul’s deskJune 26, 2023 News