Showing 131-140 of 1574
Episode 6: Crimes on Behalf of Animals
Animal Amicus is the definitive podcast for those interested in landmark animal cases and how they’ve shaped the law. Join Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Nicole Pallotta and David Rosengard as they expertly examine the often-tenuous relationship between animals and the legal system — and what advocates are doing to secure more positive outcomes.December 13, 2023 Article -
Episode 5: Sentencing
Animal Amicus is the definitive podcast for those interested in landmark animal cases and how they’ve shaped the law. Join Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Nicole Pallotta and David Rosengard as they expertly examine the often-tenuous relationship between animals and the legal system — and what advocates are doing to secure more positive outcomes.December 6, 2023 Article -
Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Votes in Favor of a Rodeo Ban Ordinance
Actress Kate Mara joins the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Los Angeles animal advocates in support of ordinance to protect animals from six cruel rodeo practicesDecember 5, 2023 Press Release -
Episode 4: Bestiality
Animal Amicus is the definitive podcast for those interested in landmark animal cases and how they’ve shaped the law. Join Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Nicole Pallotta and David Rosengard as they expertly examine the often-tenuous relationship between animals and the legal system — and what advocates are doing to secure more positive outcomes.November 29, 2023 Article -
Episode 3: When Animals Aren’t
Animal Amicus is the definitive podcast for those interested in landmark animal cases and how they’ve shaped the law. Join Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Nicole Pallotta and David Rosengard as they expertly examine the often-tenuous relationship between animals and the legal system — and what advocates are doing to secure more positive outcomes.November 22, 2023 Article -
Legal Petition Urges USDA to Adopt Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Wildlife Services Program
The Animal Legal Defense Fund, as part of a coalition, submitted a petition for rulemaking to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service urging Wildlife Services to phase out lethal control of wild animals, including prohibiting specific practices such as neck snares, M-44 cyanide bombs, lead bullets, and more.November 21, 2023 Press Release -
Florida: Ask your state legislators to support a Courtroom Animal Advocate Program (CAAP)!
Courtroom Animal Advocate Program laws allow advocates – lawyers, supervised law students, or emeritus attorneys – to advocate for animal victims in criminal cruelty cases. Encourage your state legislator to support this important bill! -
Episode 2: Animals Are Not Things
Animal Amicus is the definitive podcast for those interested in landmark animal cases and how they’ve shaped the law. Join Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Nicole Pallotta and David Rosengard as they expertly examine the often-tenuous relationship between animals and the legal system — and what advocates are doing to secure more positive outcomes.