Siskiyou County Suspends Contract With Federal Wildlife Killing Program
Siskiyou is the latest county in California to reexamine and suspend its contract with Wildlife Services
Siskiyou is the latest county in California to reexamine and suspend its contract with Wildlife Services amid legal pressure from the animal-protection and conservation coalition led by the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Over the past decade Wildlife Services has killed more than 28,000 animals in Siskiyou County.
Coyotes, mountain lions, and black bears were all among the victims of the federal wildlife-killing program, which used inhumane and indiscriminate methods like traps and snares to target them.
But the coalition warned Wildlife Services contracts, which have been common among California counties, violate the California Environmental Quality Act if the county failed to perform an environmental impact study before engaging with the agency’s services.
Earlier this summer, Shasta County suspended its contract with Wildlife Services. In 2015, in settlement of a lawsuit filed by coalition organizations, Mendocino County agreed to fully evaluate nonlethal predator-control alternatives. And in 2017 a California court ruled in favor of the coalition in finding that Monterey County must conduct an environmental review before renewing its contract with Wildlife Services.
Lethal wildlife programs like Wildlife Services are ineffective, cruel, and harmful. Nontarget animals, including domestic dogs and cats, can be unintentionally killed. In Siskiyou County, the program, which has killed tens of thousands of birds, may have also harmed protected wildlife such as tricolored blackbirds.
We have urged Siskiyou County officials to now explore nonlethal options to address native wildlife, which are more cost effective, humane, and have proven to work in other counties in California.
Coalition members include the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Animal Welfare Institute, Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Protection Information Center, Mountain Lion Foundation, Project Coyote and WildEarth Guardians.
Legal Petition Urges USDA to Adopt Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Wildlife Services Program
The Animal Legal Defense Fund, as part of a coalition, submitted a petition for rulemaking to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service urging Wildlife Services to phase out lethal control of wild animals, including prohibiting specific practices such as neck snares, M-44 cyanide bombs, lead bullets, and more.November 21, 2023 Press Release -
Coalition Urges Humboldt County to Void Illegal Lethal Contract with Federal Wildlife-Killing Agency
Today, a coalition of animal protection and conservation groups sent a letter to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and Humboldt County Agriculture Commissioner, urging them to terminate their contract with the USDA.April 30, 2019 Press Release -
Shasta County Suspends Contract with Wildlife Killing Agency After Pressure from the Animal Legal Defense Fund
On July 20, 2018 the Animal Legal Defense Fund celebrated its latest win for wildlife in California as Shasta County officials announced the county would suspend its contract with the notorious federal wildlife-killing program known as Wildlife Services.July 27, 2018 News