2024 U.S. Animal Protection Laws Rankings
The Best and Worst States and Territories for Animal Protection Laws
Each year, the Animal Legal Defense Fund publishes its U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Ranking Report. It is the longest-running and most authoritative of its kind, assessing the strength of each state and territory’s animal protection laws by examining over 3,600 pages of statutes. Each state and territory is ranked based on 20 different categories of animal protection.

2024 Rank
The 56 jurisdictions included in the 2024 U.S. Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report℠ were numerically ranked based on their cumulative scores to 77 study questions covering 20 distinct animal protection laws categories. The Rankings Report analyzed enacted laws only and did not review the separate issue of how these laws are enforced. Answers to the study’s questions were based primarily on the statutory data contained in the 600+ page compendium Animal Protection Laws of the United States (Nineteenth Edition)℠. The study’s questions were close-ended and the choices exhaustive and mutually exclusive.