Showing 21-28 of 28
King Kong Zoo Permanently Shut Down After Being Sued by The Animal Legal Defense Fund
Consent Decree Closes Unaccredited Roadside Zoo and Bars Owner from Working with Wild AnimalsFebruary 23, 2017 Press Release -
Elephants in Captivity: Demanding an End to Cruel Confinement
As circuses and zoos have been confronted with the growing public and legal opposition to elephant captivity, the practice of exploiting these emotionally complex creatures for profit and entertainment has begun edging closer to extinction.March 15, 2016 Legally Brief -
Legally Brief: Exotic Animals and the Law
States that do not set even minimal safety and animal welfare requirements for private ownership of captive wild animals are playing a dangerous game that too often results in tragedy both for the animals and for people.December 14, 2015 Legally Brief -
Urging the Extension of Endangered Status to Captive Chimpanzees
In 2011, the Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to extend endangered status to captive chimpanzees, along with all of the meaningful legal protections such a listing entails.…
Landmark Lawsuit Filed to Free Candy the Chimpanzee from Decades-Long Solitary Confinement at Louisiana Amusement Park
Park violating Endangered Species Act by isolating and neglecting endangered chimp.November 17, 2015 Press Release -
Meet the Pro Bono Legal Team Who Helped ALDF Take on the King Kong Zoo
In this continuing series of spotlights, ALDF salutes attorneys Amanda Groves and Elizabeth Ireland, and paralegal Kristen Parsons.October 15, 2015 Pro Bono Spotlight -
Court of Appeals Upholds Citizens’ Right to Challenge Animal Cruelty
North Carolina court revives lawsuit against inhumane roadside zoo.July 8, 2015 Press Release -
Interview with Karen Joy Fowler
The Animal Legal Defense Fund interviews Karen Joy Fowler, author of the stunning novel We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, this month at Green Apple Books in San Francisco.May 5, 2015 News