Showing 21-30 of 116
Ag-Gag (Texas)
HB 1480/SB 472 would create an Ag-Gag law in Texas — preventing the public from learning about animal cruelty. -
Ending the Intensive Confinement of Hens Used by the Egg Industry (New Mexico)
The Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens Act (SB 347) would require that, by 2022, hens used by the egg industry and raised in New Mexico live in cage-free conditions — outlawing battery cages — and that eggs sold in New Mexico meet this same standard. -
Ending the Intensive Confinement of Hens Used by the Egg Industry (Hawaii)
An Act Relating to Farm Animals (HB 538/SB 346) would ban the intensive confinement of hens used by the egg industry in Hawaii as well as ban the sale of eggs from hens kept in such cruel conditions by 2026. -
New White Paper Offers Policy Recommendations to Combat Zoonotic Diseases and Pandemic Risk from Factory Farming
The Animal Legal Defense Fund released the second in a series of white papers — COVID-19 and Factory Farming —providing policy recommendations to address industrial animal agriculture’s role in our heightened risk for zoonotic diseases outbreaks, like COVID-19, and its potential to be the source of the next global pandemic.November 19, 2020 Press Release -
Tofurky Files First Amendment Challenge Against Louisiana Label Censorship Law
Lawsuit Challenges Law Designed to Disadvantage Plant-Based ProductsOctober 7, 2020 Press Release -
New Jersey Town Hall
In this interactive webinar Kathleen Schatzmann, Senior Legislative Affairs Manager, will provide an update on animal protection legislation in New Jersey and provide multiple real-time opportunities for strategic targeting to build support and momentum for bill passage. -
Challenging CEQ’s CAFO Exemptions Under NEPA
The Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for new regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will shield CAFOs and slaughterhouses from environmental review. -
Though Ruled Unconstitutional, Industry Continues Pushing Ag-Gag Laws: Updates in North Carolina, Kansas, Iowa, and Ontario
In the first half of 2020, there were multiple developments in the realm of Ag-Gag laws — so named because they criminalize whistleblowing and undercover investigations in agricultural facilities, thus “gagging” activists and others who expose animal abuse in factory farms and slaughterhouses.September 15, 2020 Animal Law Update -
Challenging Foster Farms Slaughterhouse’s Illegal Water Use
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued Foster Farms, operator of a large slaughterhouse and chicken processing plant in Livingston, California, for its illegal use of vast quantities of water in violation of the California Constitution. -
California Slaughterhouse Illegally Uses Vast Quantities of Water to Cruelly Kill Chickens
Animal Legal Defense Fund sues Foster Farms for violating California law by using cruel, water-intensive slaughter method during megadroughtSeptember 2, 2020 Press Release