
Pamela Frasch Receives Excellence in Teaching Award

The Animal Law Section of the AALS awarded Pamela D. Frasch, Assistant Dean, Animal Law Program and Executive Director,  Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School, in collaboration with ALDF, the inaugural AALS Animal Law Section Award for Excellence in Animal Law: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. Pamela has been working in the area of animal law for over twenty years and teaching for eighteen. She has inspired students, lawyers, advocates, and others through her immense knowledge of the law, outstanding skills in writing, teaching and advocacy, and her compassion and commitment to the protection of all animals.

Pam Frasch, Assistant Dean, Animal Law Program and Executive Director, Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School

The Animal Law Section presented the award during the Section’s program—Animal Rights: From Why to How—during the AALS Annual Meeting in New York City on January 9 at 1:30pm. After the awards ceremony, a spirited conversation on various strategies for securing legal rights was led by an impressive panel of legal scholars including Sherry Colb (Cornell), Michael Dorf (Cornell), David Favre (MSU), Lori Gruen (Wesleyan), Angela Harris (UC Davis), and Dale Jamieson (NYU).

In addition to the formal presentation of the award, The Animal Law Section celebrated Pamela at the Section’s reception hosted by the Animal Legal Defense Fund on January 8, 2016.

“The AALS Section on Animal Law is pleased and honored to have a true giant among animal law faculty, Pamela Frasch, as the inaugural recipient of its award for Excellence in Animal Law: Scholarship-Teaching-Service. Throughout her 20-year commitment to animal law advocacy, teaching, and scholarship, Pam has inspired students, lawyers, and animal advocates and has immeasurably advanced both animal law and animal legal education world-wide.” – Joan Schaffner: former Chair, AALS Animal Law Section; Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School.

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