Oregon: Protect Cougars in Oregon from Cruel Hunting Using Dogs!
This action is for Oregon residents only.
The Oregon legislature is considering a bill, S.B. 769, that would undermine the state’s current prohibition on the use of dogs to chase and hunt cougars.
Urge your state senator to vote NO on this bill and protect cougars!
Personalizing your message and the subject line will increase your effectiveness.
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Animal Exploiter: Robert Sawmiller
For years, captive wild animals have suffered in the care of traveling zoo operator Robert Sawmiller. On December 9, 2020 two wolves and a Labrador named Fancy were rescued and transported to sanctuary through legal action brought by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. -
Animals Rescued and Removed from Wildlife Trafficker and Exhibitor
The Animal Legal Defense Fund — with the assistance of local counsel named Taylor Waters, U.S. Marshals, and the Auglaize County Sheriffs Office — executed a court order, seizing three animals from infamous wild and domestic animal breeder and broker Robert Sawmiller near Wapakoneta, Ohio.December 9, 2020 Press Release