Learn More: Pro Bono Network
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Through our Pro Bono Network, the Animal Legal Defense Fund partners with attorneys and pro bono coordinators across the country to leverage their legal talents to help animals. We utilize volunteer attorneys and paralegals to support the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s litigation, criminal justice, and legislative goals. Through the program, thousands of pro bono hours have been donated on behalf of animals, and some of the most significant cases in the field of animal law involved pro bono counsel.
To learn more about the Pro Bono Network and the opportunities available, please fill out the form below and an Animal Legal Defense Fund attorney will reach out to you.
How We Work
Meet the Pro Bono Legal Team Who Helped ALDF Take on the King Kong Zoo
In this continuing series of spotlights, ALDF salutes attorneys Amanda Groves and Elizabeth Ireland, and paralegal Kristen Parsons.October 15, 2015 Pro Bono Spotlight -
The Pro Bono Legal Team Who Helped Free Ricky the Bear
In February, the Animal Legal Defense Fund announced the news that a female black bear named Ricky had been released to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, after our lawsuit secured her freedom from a tiny concrete cage at a Pennsylvania ice-cream shop.March 3, 2015 Pro Bono Spotlight -
The Pro Bono Legal Team Who Took on the Pet Leasing Industry
Prominent law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, collaborated with the Animal Legal Defense Fund to investigate and call for enforcement against the deceptive pet leasing industry.September 24, 2019 Pro Bono Spotlight