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Grupos de protección animal solicitan a un tribunal de Minnesota que emita una orden de registro para investigar a Jennie-O por el uso de VSD+
Los registros revelan que la compañía mató a miles de pavos usando "Ventilation Shutdown Plus" (apagado de ventilación plus), lo que causa un golpe de calorMarch 20, 2025 Press Release -
Animal Protection Groups Petition Minnesota Court to Issue Search Warrant to Investigate Jennie-O Over Use of VSD+
Records reveal the company killed thousands of turkeys using “ventilation shutdown plus,” which causes heatstrokeMarch 20, 2025 Press Release -
Mink VIRUS Act Reintroduced in the U.S. House to Ban Mink Farming
Bill will reduce the risk of zoonotic disease transmission by phasing out mink farming and helping operators transition out of the industryMarch 20, 2025 Press Release