
Press Release

Animal Legal Defense Fund Responds to SeaWorld

For immediate release:




It comes as no surprise that SeaWorld Entertainment is planning to challenge the California Coastal Commission’s (Commission) broad authority to regulate marine resources by banning captive breeding or the addition of any orcas to SeaWorld San Diego’s inventory. SeaWorld’s objection to the de facto phase-out of the use of orcas for entertainment acts in San Diego punctuates the entertainment company’s priority on dollars over the well-being of the orcas off of whom it profits. Indeed, while SeaWorld engages in what may be a protracted legal skirmish to challenge the Commission’s broad authority to place conditions on coastal zoning permits, the orcas it uses as money-makers will continue to languish in barren, concrete, tanks that deprive them of everything that is natural and important to them. While SeaWorld doubles down on yet another bad decision for its public image and for the animals in its care, the Animal Legal Defense Fund will consider all of its available legal options to ensure that the breeding ban condition remains in effect.
