Showing 1-3 of 3
Case Study: Animal Hoarding – Vikki Kittles
Vikki Rene Kittles, also known as Susan Dietrich, Rene Depenbrock, and Lynn Zellan, has a history of animal hoarding that goes back decades and spans the United States from the Southeast to the Northwest. She has effectively evaded…
Issues in Animal Neglect Cases
In mass neglect cases, it is common to find that the physical condition of the victim animal population spans the spectrum, from dead and near death to those animals who, for a variety of reasons, do not yet show manifest signs of neglect. -
Historic Legal Decision Protects Cats From Being Returned to Their Abuser
Oregon Court of Appeals Grants Petition to Permanently Remove Cats from their Neglectful Owner in Linn County Hoarding Case, Sets Vital Precedent for Animal Law.December 29, 2006 Press Release