An Act Relating to Testing Cosmetics on Animals (Oregon)
H.B. 3213
This bill would prohibit manufacturers from selling or offering to sell cosmetics developed through use of animal testing in Oregon.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund supports this bill.
Sponsors: Rep. Courtney Neron (D-26), Sen. Kim Thatcher (R-11), Sen. Chris Gorsek (D-25)
Introduced: February 7, 2023
Every day, rabbits, mice, rats, guinea pigs, and other animals are subjected to painful and unnecessary experiments to test cosmetic products such as makeup, shampoo, deodorant, and perfume. Not only do animals used in cosmetic testing endure extreme suffering, but such testing is unnecessary. Non-animal-based methods that are more effective, and often cheaper, already exist.
An Act Relating to testing cosmetics on animals (H.B. 3213) would:
- prohibit the sale of cosmetics tested on animals in Oregon.
Similar legislation has passed in numerous U.S. states — including California, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia — as well as dozens of countries around the world.
Why is this law important? Animal experimentation is an inhumane and outdated way of testing products. Not only are there thousands of ingredients with a history of safe use that companies can feel confident in using, but often, animal testing does not actually provide accurate results for how humans will react to a product. Scientific advancements have created alternatives to animal testing that provide better information and can help end needless animal suffering.
Coalition support: Humane Society of the United States
For more information about humane legislation in Oregon and opportunities to take action for animals in the state, visit aldf.org/oregon.