Petition to U.S. Food and Drug Administration to Require Disclosure of Animal-Derived Ingredients
Consumers care about what they eat. People want — and have a right — to know what is in the food they purchase. Yet current U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations are inadequate when it comes to animal-derived ingredients.
Under the current rules, consumers often cannot determine if a product contains animal-derived ingredients even if they (1) read the ingredients list, (2) research each individual ingredient, or even (3) contact the food company directly. Beyond the “ick factor” of inadvertently eating duck feathers or sheep’s wool grease, animal-derived ingredients can trigger serious allergic reactions and violate religious or other closely held dietary restrictions.

Read More About the Problem
Disclosure of Animal-Derived Ingredients: Information Fact Sheet
A pair of studies by researchers at the University of Oklahoma found that adding a “contains animal-derived ingredients” disclaimer to food packaging significantly increased consumers’ ability to make informed food choices. When the disclaimer was added to the ingredients panel, for example, nearly 95% of consumers were able to identify which foods contain animal ingredients–compared to just 21% without the disclaimer.

Read More About the University of Oklahoma Studies
Consumer Survey on Animal-Derived Ingredients: Information Fact Sheet

Consumer confusion about products that contain animal-derived ingredients
Read the full University of Oklahoma survey. Now published in the Journal of Food and Humanity.
Take Action
Current labeling regulations fail to ensure that Americans have easy access to truthful information when products contain ingredients derived from animal connective tissue, tendons, bones, fat, feathers, wool grease, and more. A disclosure on product labels that states when food products contain animal-derived ingredients is not only factually accurate, but importantly, necessary to prevent harm, deception, or confusion, and to ensure public health and safety.
Submit a comment in support of our Citizen Petition for Rulemaking to the FDA
Urge the agency to clear up the confusion over which products contain animal ingredients by requiring a simple ”contains animals” disclosure on food labels.
Meet the Legal Team
Learn more about the Animal Legal Defense Fund attorneys who are petitioning the FDA to require disclosure when food products contain animal-derived ingredients.
Michael Swistara
Staff Attorney -
Amanda Howell
Managing Attorney
Focus Area
How We Work
REPORT: FDA Should Improve Food Labels That Leave Consumers Confused About Allergens and Animal Ingredients
New report reveals that current labeling regulations put consumers at risk and fail to comply with federal law.June 25, 2024 Press Release -
REPORT: 95 Percent of Consumers Prefer “Climate-Friendly” Products, But Labels Oversell Emission Reductions
New report reveals how misleading labels lead to increased confusion among consumers searching for more sustainable, less environmentally damaging products.April 2, 2024 Press Release -
Hormel Settles in Deceptive Advertising Lawsuit Over “Natural Choice®” Products
Animal Legal Defense Fund’s lawsuit alleged Hormel misleads consumers with its Natural Choice® brand of lunch meats and baconNovember 14, 2022 Press Release