The PETS Act, when companion animals are affected by natural disasters

Legal Resource

Legal FAQ’s for Search and Rescue Volunteers

This Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) project was originally designed to help address the legal questions generated by animal rescuers and others assisting with the recovery of animals affected by Hurricane Katrina in September of 2005.

As hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism and other disasters continue to pose a threat to the U.S., this document will continue to grow over time to encompass more questions and more states’ laws. It was initiated and produced by the Animal Legal Defense Fund  and the American Bar Association’s Tort, Trial and Insurance Practice Section’s Animal Law Committee.

Volunteer attorneys from across the U.S. have donated their time to, as quickly as possible, research and write the legal memoranda that support the shorter answers provided here. Attorneys and others who would like to read the full memoranda prepared for any one or all of the questions may send your request to us and we will respond as quickly as we can, given our limited resources.

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