
Student Chapters

Animal Law Student Scholars’ Workshop

The brainchild of former Animal Law Program Director Stacey Gordon Sterling, the Animal Law Student Scholars’ Workshop was a project that engaged law students in using innovative legal tactics to explore potential solutions regarding the limited legal protections available for farmed animals in natural and weather-related disasters.  

The students were divided into two cohorts, with Gordon Sterling leading three students and her former colleague, Hillary Wandler, a professor at the University of Montana’s Alexander Blewett III School of Law, leading the others. With help from Animal Legal Defense Fund Senior Law School Programs Attorney Priscilla Rader Culp, Gordon Sterling planned out materials and resources, provided an in-depth look at the topic of natural disaster planning and farmed animal protection, and hosted seminars on research and drafting.  

The year-long workshop led students through researching, drafting, editing, presenting, and now, publishing their papers. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is proud of the work these exceptional students produced, and forever grateful to Stacey Gordon Sterling for her unwavering dedication to animal advocacy and the students she supported and empowered.

*The materials posted as part of the Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Scholars’ Workshop have been prepared for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The materials posted were researched, drafted, and edited throughout 2022 and early 2023 as part of the workshop. Please note that some content included in the materials are part of ongoing legal decisions and might not reflect current outcomes from topics discussed. 

Beth with a pig

Former Animal Legal Defense Fund Animal Law Program Director Stacey Gordon Sterling had such a rare ability to bring goodness out of everyone she met and everything she took part in; whether you were a law student looking for guidance, a puppy needing a safe space to grow, or a colleague seeking a brainstorming session, she would be there with a smile, a fun story, a gentle word, and so much wisdom.  

Stacey was a continual source of positivity and support. Her love for learning was infectious and her advocacy for animals tireless, spanning from the state legislature, where she spoke on behalf of animal interests undeterred in a setting that was often hostile, to her home, which was a frequent haven for animals in need. She is gone far too soon and deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.   


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