Animal Law Courses
There are 167 law schools in the U.S. and Canada, and 11 in Australia and New Zealand, that have offered a course in animal law. Interested in starting an animal law class at your school? Learn how!
Note: We update this list regularly, but academic schedules change yearly and some courses may no longer be offered. For updated information on a specific course below, please contact the referenced law school directly.
- Arizona State University (Tempe)
Animal Law (LAW 691)
- Loyola Law School (Los Angeles)
Animal Law (LAWI-4049)
- Stanford University (Stanford)
Animal Law (LAW 5805)
- University of California-Davis (Davis)
Animal Law Seminar (224)
- University of California-Hastings (San Francisco)
Animal Law (Law 238)
- University of California-Irvine (Irvine)
Animal Law: Litigation (LAW 5658)
- University of California-Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
Dog Administrative Hearings Clinic (Law 778)
- University of San Diego (San Diego)
Animal Law (LWGC510)
- University of San Francisco (San Francisco)
Animal Law (LAW 646)
- University of the Pacific (Sacramento)
Animal Law (LAW 590)
- University of Colorado-Boulder (Boulder)
Wildlife and the Law (LAWS 6502)
- University of Denver (Denver)
Animal Law Practicum Animal Law Survey Animal Rights (L4019) Animals, Food Law & the Constitution Federal Willdife Law (L4251)
- Quinnipiac University (North Haven)
Animal Law (LAWS 253)
- Univeristy of Connecticut (Hartford)
Clinic: Animal Law (LAW7384)
- University of Connecticut (Hartford)
Faculty Directed Reading Seminar: Animal Welfare and Human Self Interest: The case of Pandemics
- Yale University (New Haven)
Advanced Climate, Animals, Food, and Environmnet Law and Policy Lab (30242) Animal Law (20054) Climate, Animals, Food, and Environmnet Law and Policy Lab
- Florida State University (Tallahassee)
Animal Law (LAW 7930-02)
- Nova Southeastern University (Fort Lauderdale)
Animal Law (LAW 0526) Animal Law Legislation Seminar (LAW 0795)
- Stetson University (Gulfport)
Animal Law Seminar (LAW 3132)
- University of Florida (Gainesville)
Animal Rights & the Law
- Unviersity of Miami (Coral Gables)
Companion Animals and the Law (Law761)
- Emory University (Atlanta)
Animal Law (Law 837)
- Georgia State University (Atlanta)
Animal Law (LAW 7064)
- University of Georgia (Athens)
Animal Law (JURI 4827)
- DePaul University (Chicago)
Animal Law (LAW 367)
- ITT Chicago-Kent College of Law (Chicago)
Animal Law (LAW 676)
- Northwestern University (Chicago)
Animal Law Seminar
- Univeristy of Kentucky (Lexington)
Animal Rights Law (Law 894)
- Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge)
Introduction to Animal Law (5340)
- Tulane University (New Orleans)
Environmental Law: Biodiversity & Endangered Species
- University of Maine (Portland)
Animal Law (Law 761)
- Universirty of Baltimore (Baltimore)
Animal Law (Law 870)
- University of Maryland (Baltimore)
Animals and the Law Seminar (545Q) Environmental Law Seminar:Animal Law (578D)
- Unversity of Maryland (Baltimore)
Writing in Law Practice: Animal Law Advocacy (506S)
- Harvard University (Cambridge)
Animal Law Animal Law & Policy Clinic Animal Law & Policy Clinic Seminar Wildlife Law
- Massachusetts School of Law (Andover)
Animal Law
- Michigan State University (East Lansing)
Animal Health, World Trade, and Food Safety (810) Animal Law (565A) Animal Welfare Clinic I&II Journal of Animal and Natural Resources Law (629 C) Wildlife Law (565B)
- University of Detroit Mercy (Detroit)
Selected Topics in Property Law: Animal Rights Seminar (LAW 4410)
- University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Global Animal Law
- Wayne State University (Detroit)
Animal Law (LEX7023)
- University of Missouri-Kansas City (Kansas City)
Animal Law (LAW 8665A)
- University of Montana (Missoula)
Animal Law (LAW 605) Wildlife Law (LAW 520)
- University of Nebraska (Lincoln)
Animals and Agriculture Production-Law and Policy
New Hampshire
- University of New Hampshire (Concord)
Animal Law (LGP 979)
New Jersey
- Rutgers University (Camden)
Animals: Law and Ethics (601:732)
- Seton Hall University (Newark)
Animal Law (PUBR9180)
New York
- Brooklyn Law School (Brooklyn)
Animal Law
- New York University (New York City)
1L Reading Group: Animals, Climate and Food Animal Law Seminar
- Pace University (White Plains)
Animal Law (LAW 815)
North Carolina
- Duke University (Durham)
Animal Law (LAW 338)
- North Carolina Central University School of Law (Durham)
Animal Law
- Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem)
Animal Law (642)
- Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland)
Animal Law (LAWS 5709)
- Cleveland-Marshall University (Cleveland)
Animal Law (LAW 715)
- University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati)
Animal Law & Policy (SPCL-7019)
- Lewis & Clark Law School (Portland)
Advanced Animal Law (549) Animal Law Clinic I (788) Animal Law Clinic: Advanced (790) Animal Law Fundamentals Animal Law Legislation & Lobbying Animal Law Legislation: Practicum Animal Law Litigation (924 A) Animal Law Litigation Clinic I & II (768 & 769) Animal Law Litigation: Leg & Policy Animal Law LLM Seminar I & II (605 & 606) Animal Legal Philosophy (303) Animal Rights Law and Jurisprudence (407) Aquatic Animal Law (927) Companion Animal Law (446) Crimes Against Animals (459) Food Law (415) Industrial Animal Agriculture (451) International Animal and Environmental Law Clinic (754) International Animal Law (409) International Wildlife Law International Wildlife Law Clinic Law & Ethics of Animal Testing (921) Legal Research: Animal Law (593) Nonprofit Animal Law (442) Wildlife Law (436)
- Willamette University (Salem)
Animal Law (Law 263) Endangered Species Act (Law 277) Willdife Law (Law 375)
- Drexel University (Philadelphia)
Animal Law (LAW 626S)
- Temple University (Philadelphia)
Animal Law (LAW 0661)
- University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
Animal Law and Ethics (LAW 910)
South Carolina
- Charleston Law School (Charleston)
The Rights of Non-Human Animals (658)
- South Texas College of Law (Houston)
Animal Law (LAW 435) Animal Law Clinic (LAW 522) Animal Law Seminar (LAW 434)
- Southern Methodist University (Dallas)
Animal Law (Law 6382) Wildlife Law (LAW 6237)
- St. Mary’s University (San Antonio)
Animal Law
- Texas A&M University (Fort Worth)
Animal Law (LAW 7604)
- University of Houston (Houston)
Animal Law
- University of Texas (Austin)
Animal Law (28895)
- Vermont Law School (Royalton)
Animal Law and Ethics (JUR7333) Animal Rights Jurisprudence (ENV5406) Animal Welfare Law (ENV 5422) The Law of Animals in Agriculture (ENV 5408)
- George Mason University (Arlington)
Animal Law (LAW 177) Animal Law Seminar (LAW 637)
- University of Richmond (Richmond)
Animal Law (LAW E709)
- University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
Animal Law
- William & Mary University (Williamsburg)
Animal Law Seminar (Law 587)
Washington D.C.
- American University (Washington D.C.)
Animal and Wildlife Law (LAW 795AN-001)
- George Washington University (Washington D.C.)
Animal Law Seminar (LAW 6424) Wildlife and Ecosystems Law (LAW 6431)
- Georgetown University (Washington D.C.)
Animal Protection Litigation (LAW 567)
West Virginia
- West Virginia University (Morgantown)
Seminar: Animal Law (LAW 689U)
How We Work
Grupos de protección animal solicitan a un tribunal de Minnesota que emita una orden de registro para investigar a Jennie-O por el uso de VSD+
Los registros revelan que la compañía mató a miles de pavos usando "Ventilation Shutdown Plus" (apagado de ventilación plus), lo que causa un golpe de calorMarch 20, 2025 Press Release -
Animal Protection Groups Petition Minnesota Court to Issue Search Warrant to Investigate Jennie-O Over Use of VSD+
Records reveal the company killed thousands of turkeys using “ventilation shutdown plus,” which causes heatstrokeMarch 20, 2025 Press Release -
Mink VIRUS Act Reintroduced in the U.S. House to Ban Mink Farming
Bill will reduce the risk of zoonotic disease transmission by phasing out mink farming and helping operators transition out of the industryMarch 20, 2025 Press Release