Banning Coyote Killing Contests (Oregon)
Prohibits persons from conducting or participating in events that have the goal of taking coyotes for cash or prizes
Killing contests refer to events or tournaments where participants compete to kill as many animals as possible during a specified time period. Cash and prizes are awarded to those who kill the most animals or the largest or smallest animal.
Killing contests refer to events or tournaments where participants compete to kill as many animals as possible during a specified time period. Cash and prizes are awarded to those who kill the most animals or the largest or smallest animal.
A coalition of Oregon wildlife protection organizations submitted a petition for rulemaking to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission that would prohibit coyote killing contests in Oregon. Both in Oregon and across the country, coyotes are frequently targeted by these cruel contests. Participants often use electronic calling devices that mimic the sounds of coyote pups in distress to lure coyotes and kill them more easily.
The purported goal of these events is often to reduce the population of a native wildlife species in order to protect ranching interests. But killing contests are not supported by science-based wildlife management principles. The indiscriminate killing of a species does not reduce the overall population. Sometimes killing contests actually increase the population by disturbing family units and increasing reproduction rates.
Washington, Colorado, Arizona, California, Vermont, New Mexico, Massachusetts, and Maryland have banned killing contests entirely or for certain mammal species. However, killing contests remain legal in Oregon and have been prevalent over the past several years. Financially motivated coyote killing contests are grossly incompatible with Oregon’s respect for wildlife and conservation-centered values. A recent poll by the respected bipartisan firm Remington Research Group revealed that a strong majority of Oregonians across the state support public policy to ban coyote killing contests.
The proposed petition is also supported by a broad coalition of animal and environmental protection groups including the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Learn more about killing contests.
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