An Act to Prohibit Wagering On Simulcast Greyhound Races (Colorado)
H.B. 1041
Protects greyhounds from racing by ending off-track betting on greyhound races that are conducted at, and simulcast from, a track outside of Colorado.
Although Colorado law prohibits greyhound racing in-state, it is currently still legal to wager on out-of-state greyhound races that are simulcast for viewing in off-track betting venues in Colorado. Pending legislation, An Act to Prohibit Wagering On Simulcast Greyhound Races (H.B. 1041), would prohibit wagering on any greyhound race that is conducted at, and simulcast from, a track that is outside of Colorado.
Greyhound dogs used for racing are subjected to cruel conditions. Greyhounds are typically kept in cramped cages without adequate space to move around between races. They are often drugged with anabolic steroids, cocaine, lidocaine, and other performance-enhancing drugs. These dogs are trained using “live baiting,” a method in which they are taught to chase and kill small animals, such as rabbits. Additionally, during these races, dogs may suffer from head trauma and other debilitating injuries, such as broken legs or a broken spine.
Greyhound racing is an outdated form of “entertainment.” Today, only eight states still allow greyhound racing: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, Kansas, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. As of 2023, only one of these states, West Virginia, still actually hosts greyhound racing events. More than half of the United States has prohibited greyhound simulcasting.
By passing H.B. 1041, Colorado lawmakers can end greyhound simulcasting and reaffirm their decision to protect dogs from exploitation in the racing industry. The bill is currently under consideration in the state legislature. The Animal Legal Defense Fund applauds the prime sponsors of this legislation, Rep. Monica Duran (D-23), Rep. Mike Lynch (R-65), Sen. Joann Ginal (D-14), and Sen. Cleave Simpson (R-6).
To learn more about active legislation in Colorado, please visit aldf.org/colorado.
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