Showing 1-10 of 51
Pigeon Shoot Ban Bill (Pennsylvania)
Pennsylvania state bill aims to prohibit cruel pigeon shoots in the state. -
Helping Animal and Human Victims Alike Escape Domestic Violence (Rhode Island)
This bill updates existing Rhode Island law to help victims of abuse — both human and animal — safely flee abusive situations. -
Restricting Public Contact with Wild Animals (Pennsylvania)
This bill would restrict the public from feeding or having direct physical contact with wildlife without a separating barrier. -
Cat Declawing Ban (Pennsylvania)
This bill would ban cat declawing procedures, except for therapeutic purposes. -
Cat Declaw Bill (Rhode Island)
This bill would ban cat declawing in Rhode Island, with an exemption for situations in which the procedure is necessary for a legitimate medical purpose for the well-being of the cat. -
An Act Relative to Pesticides (Massachusetts)
This amendment in the state budget bill for fiscal year 2024, H.3900, will prioritize science-based animal management and reduce the use of rodenticides. -
Protecting Companion Animals in Hot Cars (Nevada)
This bill protects Good Samaritans who rescue domestic companion animals from motor vehicles by granting civil immunity under certain circumstances. “Good Samaritan” laws like this one have been enacted in multiple states and require rescuers to take a num -
A Bill to Eliminate Avoided Methane Credit for Animal Agriculture Facilities (California)
State bill would direct the California Air Resources Board to eliminate "avoided methane credits" for factory farms that apply to profit from their methane emissions through the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. -
The California Animal Protection Enforcement Act (California)
California bill would clarify the authority of SPCAs to use civil enforcement to prevent the violation of state animal protection laws -
An Act Relating to the Sale of Dogs and Cats by Pet Stores (Texas)
A proposed bill in Texas would prohibit pet stores across the state from selling dogs and cats. Instead, stores would be encouraged to partner with animal shelters and rescue organizations to offer animals for adoption.