
Action Alert

Urge the FDA to Require Disclosure When Products Contain Animal Ingredients

This action is for U.S. residents only.

A recent survey reveals that Americans overwhelmingly want to know, but —under current U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling requirements — disturbingly cannot tell when their food contains animal-derived ingredients.

This issue is important because life-threatening allergies such as alpha-gal syndrome can be triggered by even trace amounts of animal-derived ingredients. Consumers may also have other allergies, health concerns, or closely held ethical or religious beliefs that prohibit their consumption of foods that contain animal-derived ingredients.

woman reading a product label

Please submit a comment in support of our recently filed Citizen Petition for Rulemaking to the FDA, urging the agency to clear up the confusion over which products contain animal ingredients by requiring a simple contains animals” disclosure on food labels.  

Comments can be brief and will be most effective when you politely share your personal reasons for wanting a clear label on foods disclosing when they contain animal ingredients.

Add a personal comment in support on the comment portal.

How to submit your comment:  

  • Go to the link above and click on the blue “comment” button at the top of the page under the headline Citizen Petition from Animal Legal Defense Fund, et al.
  • You will see a “commenter’s checklist” link with helpful guidance, which is quite extensive. Don’t let it overwhelm you. You need not be an expert or follow all these guidelines to provide a productive comment.
  • In the comment field, just make sure to clearly state your support for the petition and give your personal reasons why. It need not be long or involved.
  • Under the question “What is your comment about?” click the “Comment Category” drop-down menu and select “Individual Consumer.”
  • You may attach images or other files to support your comment (such as ingredient lists that have been problematic for you), but this field is entirely optional.
  • Sign your comment as an “individual.” Remaining anonymous is also an option.

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